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Nothing seems to happen. Nothing seems to happen. 'You notice nothing out of the ordinary. You can see no visible result. &You are certain that there is NO trap. ÒA group of four-footed beasts. At this distance, they appear to be six feet tall at the shoulder. One of them lets out a cry and gestures in your direction. The group breaks into a canter. Do you wait for them to close in and do battle? ˛A pyramid of polished marble stands one hundred feet high. Circling it, you're unable to find an entrance. You examine its exterior more closely. You tap and press on the walls. A rounded indentation, the size of a walnut, almost escapes your notice. ÔThe indentation is located about seven feet high. You can find no other remarkable features on the structure. Suddenly, you are stricken by an overpowering hunger. You struggle against a suicidal urge to consume your entire food supply. ‰You place the small stone of gluttony in the indentation. A small circular opening appears just below the stone and enlarges rapidly. You retrieve the stone and quickly step inside the pyramid. The opening immediately closes. 1A cloak room. It contains few items of interest. uA long hallway. Numerous pairs of muddy boots cover the floor. The walls are lined with rainwear hanging from pegs. ˚The sullen clerk graces you with a morose greeting and continues to diligently mop the floor as you enter a heavily stocked storage room. The scents of dried fish, molasses and baked bread intermingle amid barrels, crates, and sacks of various goods. ˝A burly guard vigilantly watches over several weapons' racks. You ponder over the offerings. No handling is allowed without an intent to buy. The place is well-known for its reliable goods. Sales are brisk. Most of the weapons appear fairly common. ûNear the back, a pair of weapons are emitting forth a soft glow. Detecting the use of magic, the guard growls menacingly. "No spell-casting is allowed here!" ˚With a sudden jovial smile, the guard slaps you on the back as if you were an old, longtime friend. You accept a Vlek Liver sandwich and actively participate in an animated discussion over the designs and capabilities of the guard's favorite weapons. ıYou suddenly begin to feel nauseous. An overpowering stench appears to be spewing forth from the clerk. Can it be bad personal hygiene? This horrendous odor cannot possibly come from the clerk alone! You catch the clerk eyeing you furtively. ¶He scowls impatiently. "As far as I can tell, it was pleasant enough until you came in. I've got enough to do around here without stopping to answer dumb questions." ¸You jab one of the sacks. Suddenly, it rips wide open. An angry, squat dwarf spills out onto the floor. You stare in surprise, but the clerk's movements distract you. You turn just as he hastily pulls a sword out from behind a crate and rushes you. ÿDozens of sacks burst into shreds. Dwarves leap out screaming in an unfamiliar tongue. They're all bald, clean-shaven and covered in demonic-looking tattoos. You struggle to keep your wits in the midst of chaos. ‡Your curiosity has foiled one of the Doomsayers' attempts at infiltrating the castle. Drawn by the commotion, a large contingent of Queen Selene's bodyguards swiftly stifles the uproar. You are escorted to a secluded area. ¸With appreciation, you accept a Festoon priest's offer of service. However, before you can make a request, the priest asks that you first make an offering consisting of an outrageous sum. So much for the old adage, "Service to God is payment enough." ÎYou enter a stone pyramid. In the dim light, you stumble over the leftover remains of some pitiable creature. The skeletal framework appears to be dwarf or gnome. Peering closer, you notice the tattered remnants of reptilian scales. ÏYou break open an iron box and find a stone. Its heavy weight takes you by surprise. Its small size was deceiving. Holding it in your palm, your thumb strokes its smooth surface. You feel a strong urge to strike down your comrades. ˛"I can't thank you enough. We've been watching Porthius for some time. I'd deliberately reassigned him as storage room clerk. If he truly proved to be a traitor, I didn't think he could do much harm in this position. Apparently, I underestimated him. Ô"Your help was vital in defusing a situation that could have quickly escalated out of control. The Doomsayers motley group of fanatical warriors have been gaining in power. Their primary goal is to bring about the end of the world." Ú"You have shown true strength. If you should ever need rest or healing, see Sir Matthew. He is loyal and discreet and will see that all your needs are met. You may visit him in my private chapel across the hall at any time of day or night. ¸You enter the queen's private chapel. A stately man in fine silk robes intently peruses a thick tome. The queen is not presently using the chapel, and he has time to heal your wounds if you will pledge a generous tithe to the 'Save the whelens fund'. §A stately man dressed in fine robes greets you. "Good friends! The queen has informed me of your brave deeds. How can I, poor old Matthew, be of service to you?" ÊQueen Selene listens to your account of the defeat of Bumpus and his party of Doomsayer dwarves. "Thank you, my friends. You never cease to amaze me with your rooting out of evil. I must admit, though. It does give me cause... ·You hear the sounds of brisk chopping knives and the clash of pots and pans. The pungent smells of seasoned, roasting meat drift your way from just around the next corner. A gruff voice yells at someone to get back to work. ¸The entrance to a large pantry. A fat dwarf is whipping several young ogres. Clothed in smelly, greasy garb, the ogres hastily work to restock the pantry shelves. A large jar crashes to the ground shattering its contents. The dwarf screams in rage. ˘Looking near ready to die of stroke, the dwarf suddenly notices you and mistakes you for common kitchen help. "You dar!" he snarls. "Help dem varmints wit' da chores!" Pulling his arm back, he sends his whip snapping wickedly in your direction. ıHe quickly realizes that he's made a grave mistake. Throwing himself at your feet, he spouts shamelessly. "Masters! Me apologize! Me slow and dimwitted. Not always thinkin' what me doin'. Have mercy! Forgive me stupidity! If ye forgive... I'll let ye in on a little secret." Do you forgive the dwarf in return for his secret? OR Do you haul him before the queen? Û"Bumpus thanks ye!" He jumps up and shoves the young ogres out of the room. "Dey can't be hearin' what me about to tell ye. Ye no be tellin' anybody else this secret! It would mean me hide." He leans close and whispers conspiratorially... "At X:39 Y:78 is a secret wall. Ye push on dat wall and it will give way. Ye do dat, and ye will find me big secret. Now, I must get back to me work. Dem lazy ogres! Me must keep on dem all de time. Dey get nothin' done by demselves." ÊYou quickly haul the dwarf before the queen to seek justice for his harsh treatment of the young ogres and yourselves. Queen Selene speaks, "So, Bumpus! You still love your whip. I told you to get rid of that whip or I would... ‚banish you. I think you need a good dose of your own medicine. Guards! Take Bumpus to one of my private chambers and let him taste 20 lashes. When you have seen to that, turn him out of the castle. He is never to return." ¯Three guards haul Bumpus from the room kicking and proclaiming his innocence. "This is an insult! Ye'll never find anyone to do dat job good as me! I did nothin' wrong!" The queen turns to you, "Thank you, my friends. I never cared for the... ”heavy-handed methods he used to get work out of the help. Now, I must ask you to leave, for I have other more pressing duties to attend to." The queen signals to one of her assistants who sees you to the door. AA shimmering aura of energy fluctuates before you. Do you enter? ÓAs you walk down the corridor, you feel a sudden rush of air. Someone has cut several small holes into the wall just ahead. A dozen javelins sail through them at once aiming straight at you. Those who do not Save VS. Dexterity are hit. ¿As you walk down the corridor, you hear a sudden rush of air. From small holes in the ceiling, dozens of poison darts rain down upon you. Those who do not Save VS. Constitution are poisoned. ºYou enter a small room. The floor is littered with many bodies. Unfortunately, none of them survived the onslaught of traps. You search the room carefully but find nothing of interest. ÷You rummage around the bodies hoping to find something of worth. Suddenly, a panel in the north wall slides open. Tattooed, beardless dwarves with shaved heads pour forth in full attack. Bumpus leads the attack. Ëfor alarm that you are loitering about when a great task lies before you. It would be wise to begin your journey. Please go. I must remain here to coordinate events. It's imperative that all remaining Doomsayers be eliminated." 2You are attacked by a patrol of Doomsayer dwarves. ¯You find Bumpus's secret quarters. Ritual robes and unusual relics reveal that he was a high priest in the Doomsayer cult. Some papers hint that the Doomsayers have an unidentified infiltrator among the queen's retinue. You find a strange stone. WA squad of Doomsayer dwarves guard this corridor. They defend it with feral intensity. ÖYou enter the quarters of a squad of Doomsayer dwarves. The barbarians immediately take up their weapons and launch a fierce attack. ˛A peaceful summer day. You follow an old dirt trail through a beautiful, wooded valley. There's a sudden break in the woods. A pyramid stands oddly alone amid an open glade. One hundred feet or more, its point stretches upward to pierce the blue sky. ˙The glade is surrounded by dead yew trees entwined by long strands of bindwart. You draw closer to the pyramid and touch its surface. It appears to have been crafted out of an unfamiliar, fine stone. Cool to the touch, it feels as smooth as glass. ÙThe unblemished surface betrays no visible joints to show how the polished stone sides were fitted together. At the base, new shoots of grickle grass flourish amid the fresh upturned sod. Nearby, great boulders have been rent from the ground. ÌThe unusual evidence leads you to believe that the pyramid was created quite recently. Deeply perplexed, you study the base and surrounding boulders. The pyramid appears to have sprung up right out of the earth. You must be mistaken! ÛIntrigued, you conduct another thorough examination of the surface walls. You happen upon a slight indentation the size of a walnut. The slight cavity is situated dead center on the pyramid's southern face about seven feet from the ground. ÏYou enter a grand temple. Delicate, cream colored statues of Queen Selene frequent its hallways. Religious tapestries of exceptional quality cover the walls. Rich and vibrant in color, the eye-catching depictions are quite detailed. ÄYou enter the prayer room. If you pay a tithe to the church, several of the priests are willing to offer you healing services. 3You discover a few devoted to the worship of Tibat. ¯You enter a hidden temple passageway. Descending downwards along its wet, clammy interior, you shrink away from the slime-covered walls. A reptilian-like odor furthers your uneasiness. The floor is inscribed with graphic symbols written in blood. ÒYou come upon a haggard, human priest urgently addressing a large group of vrack. You are suddenly spotted. Agitation rapidly spreads through the group as your presence becomes known. The orderly meeting mutates into a threatening attack. tThe priest's cloak bears a hidden, small pocket cleverly sewn into the lining. You slit it open and discover a key. ÒYour battle with the vrack alerts others nearby. From a room just south of your position, a sizzling ball of flame shoots down the hallway and engulfs you. Those not quick enough to maneuver out of the way bear the full brunt of the spell. øThe stench of your surroundings seems to be lessening and you are beginning to relax and breathe in without feeling slightly ill. Without warning, you are ambushed by a pack of angry vrack. ÚA human mage steps out from behind a curtain. His deep, booming voice addresses you in Common. "You have passed the test and proven great strength. Let us not fight. Do you desire an audience with me?" Do you stop to speak with this man? ˜"Excellent! My name is Trimon. Please rest. To show my good faith and honorable intentions, I shall heal your wounds." You are unable to protest or stop him before he casts several spells. To your happy relief, you experience a full recovery. t"Powerful friends! You have rudely barged into my humble sanctum and murdered my lowly underlings! May I ask why?" ‰Unaware that he has secretly cast a powerful defensive spell, your initial attack collides violently against an invisible barrier of force. As you reel back in stunned confusion, he swiftly summons help from the nether regions. ÓThe dead cleric kept a small diary. You skim through detailed descriptions of meals and daily monotony. The entries reveal that his assignment to the hidden temple had resulted in extreme unhappiness. He was desperate to make a change. ˛"I must continually remind myself of my devotion to Tibat. This must take precedence over my desire to leave this place! These contentious vrack wear on my nerves. If I don't receive an important assignment soon, I fear that I will do something rash." ”The last entry is unusually short. "The search continues. I fear one of the vrack has taken the key and returned it to the abyss. My priests continue to search. I fear it has been lost to the nether plains." ü"I may be able to forgive you in my heart if you will carry out a task for me. Will you perform a service in return for my good blessings?" Do you accept? ó"Very well. I cannot allow you to leave. My sanctum will remain secret at all costs." You perceive an impending attack and attempt to strike first. µ"Excellent! A valuable key was stolen from me. If you are able to return it, you will be forgiven and amply rewarded. I suspect the culprit to be one of the vrack in my service." Ï"These quarrelsome vrack! At this time, their presence mostly provokes aggravation. They are creatures of the nether planes that I summoned here to carry out my bidding. If an event required it, I have the power to summon many more." ı"Retrieve this stolen key from the vrack. If you must kill every last vrack in the temple to accomplish this task, do so! I MUST have that key at all costs. Go! Return when you have the key." He bustles you out the door with utmost urgency. ÙYou hand over the key to Trimon and inform him that you recovered it from the body of a dead priest and not a vrack. He reacts with rage and disbelief. "My faithful, devoted followers would never steal from me! They all fear and respect me." Ú"Foul, treacherous liars! You were to kill vrack, not my devoted priests. Your attempt to undermine me and destroy my flock will be punishable by death." He holds the key up threateningly and disappears amid a writhing contortion of smoke. ¡You approach a pack of vrack devouring a human carcass. Their razor sharp beaks greedily rip the corpse's acrid, soft flesh to shreds. The vrack especially relish their food when it's fresh. ,You enter a magic shop. It is well stocked. ËYou discover the hidden treasure of Trimon. A small, but enticing fortune has been arranged in a neat display in one corner of the room. Several fine objects of magic have been painstakingly acquired to complement the collection. A strong aura of magic draws you towards an antique, oval mirror. Its auburn frame is engraved with intricate symbols. Your reflection appears dark and faded. Do you approach the mirror more closely? QThe hairs on your neck prick up as if someone or ..... something is watching you. ˙You touch the mirror's surface. Your hand passes within. After a fleeting pain, an icy numbness spreads upward. You start to lose all sensation in your limb. Hastily, you pull your hand back. It appears undamaged. Do you fully enter the mirror? ˙You enter a drafty room where every step sets off a series of echoes. It's entirely covered with tiles made out of bone. The walls gradually curve inward forming a lofty ceiling. Symbolic writing is carved into every inch of the ceiling and floor. ÊA massive stone altar dominates the center of the room. Slimy chains and manacles drape its surface. They drip with bloody gore and exude the fetid stink of recent death. Four stone pillars are evenly situated around the altar. ˜You approach cautiously. Upon closer inspection, you realize that the stone monument is not some kind of altar used for sacrifice or worship. It's actually a massive sarcophagus. The stone is bitterly cold to the touch. Do you open the casket? ˜Icy cold spews forth. Skeletal remains rest amid the darkness. A golden crown encircles the skull. Slowly, the skull turns. Its eye sockets smolder with fiery intensity. You have uncovered the resting place of a lich! You stagger backwards. ÓYou wait a few moments with steel drawn and magic on your lips. However, no enemy confronts you. You stride back to the open coffin determined to bring this engagement to a swift conclusion. Save for a bone mask, the coffin lies empty. Who will put the mask on? ÛSwiftly, the bone mask becomes malleable. It molds and glues itself to your skin boring into your face. Your skin and the mask's become one. Reeling, you clutch at your face as it contorts uncontrollably. Your mind and body are taken over. ıChilled laughter echoes throughout the chamber. "Friends! You are brave, but you are foolish. What are you willing to give in return for the life of your friend? Perhaps you can amuse me with some entertaining sport. Pick three champions!" øJust in front of you, a trio of flesh golems appear from a hidden alcove. Although they are here to fend off intruders, their fighting lacks ferocity. They attack with expressionless faces. kYou stand before a mirror. It is identical to the one you used to get here. Do you go through the mirror? ü"Your wit fails to please me! I do not find the death of my underlings to be the least bit amusing. I will quickly wipe those insipid smiles off your faces!" UFrom the nether regions, Trimon summons forces to aid him in his battle against you. 8A succubus demon herds an unruly, raucous pack of vrack. πSeveral dead human bodies are chained against the wall. In one corner, a giant has been cut up and butchered. His body parts lay stacked on top of one another like a pile of firewood. xThe room is almost completely empty. However, it smells like an animal pen that has never been cleaned of fecal matter. zWhile standing near the secret entrance to this unholy temple, a sudden commotion breaks out behind you. You spin around. WTrimon's minions approach for battle. Preparing to cast a spell, Trimon leads the way. ‡Upon the lich's death, its body fades into oblivion leaving only its robe and weapon behind. The mask falls to the ground. Upon impact, it breaks into a powdery cloud of dust particles and is quickly absorbed by the earth. ¯You enter a small room used for silent prayer. Your feet sink into the luxurious, thick carpeting. Silk pillows lie about. From small braziers, burning incense provides a delicate rose petal scent. You relax with a sense of joyous peacefulness. ıYou inhale the enchanting scent. Visions of strolling through a lovely garden rudely vanish when someone seizes you in an iron grip. "You there! This is the head bishop's private prayer chambers. You scurvy dogs will pay for this blasphemy!" JYou are waved through the gate by guards from Queen Selene's 42nd Lancers. ˜Queen Selene's castle. The size is humbling, the chambers numerous. Intricate, unique chandeliers dangle from high ceilings. Heavy tapestries of detailed embroidery line the walls. The polished cherry wood furniture has been skillfully carved. ÛUpon reaching the chamber, Queen Selene's chief sage and soothsayer, Thoth Amon, motions you to enter. The small room had been elegantly decorated. However, the original decor now clashes awkwardly with copious ancient scrolls and artifacts. ÛThoth Amon has added his own shelves and cabinets full of labeled vials containing liquids and powders acquired from throughout the Realmz. "Come in, come in. I have been waiting for you. I must admit I'm surprised by your manner of entry." ¸My dreams envisioned more signs of your impending arrival. Your visit is rather unexpected just now. No matter. You are hear to seek the answers to questions. My skills at foretelling the future may be able to provide you with the answers you seek. ¯There's no need to ask questions. I know what is on your mind. No, I'm not a fake. If you must insist on believing so, leave now. However, you're worried about danger. You should act with caution. It's very real. Before you leave me today... ˆWhile pausing to contemplate in the queen's private chapel, you lean back against the wall. A panel moves. The hidden location where Sir Matthews stores the money tithed to the chapel is revealed. Sir Matthews is not looking. Do you steal it? €You enter the chambers of Thoth Amon, chief sage and soothsayer to Queen Selene. He motions you to enter. The elegant decor of his small room clashes oddly with a copious assortment of ancient scrolls and artifacts. ıAmon has also added numerous cabinets and shelves with labeled vials of liquids and powders painstakingly acquired from throughout the Realmz. "Come in, come in. I've been waiting for you. I must admit, I'm surprised by your manner of entry." óI envisioned receiving more signs of your approach. No matter. You are here to obtain answers to your questions. My scrying skills may be of help. ˘There's no need to ask questions. I know what is on your mind. No, I'm not a fake. If you continue to think so, I'll feel compelled to teach you a valuable lesson. I must warn you that you're facing grave danger. Before you leave me this day... ÊI shall give you a map. It reveals the location of the first coming of doom on an island not very far from here. You are curious. What is the coming of doom? Draw an ear, my friends. I am about to tell you a frightening tale. ‡If this tale were made public, the result would be widespread pandemonium. What makes it so particularly frightening is that the events have not yet occurred. The tale concerns the future that will eventually come to pass. ÀIt is a future that will come to pass as surely as the sun shall rise tomorrow. Many eons ago, when the world was still young, there existed great chaos. Humankind had not yet set foot upon the world. «Good and evil were locked in a struggle that nearly obliterated reality as we know it. I am sure you have heard of the Abyss. That hellish region that spawns great evil. The Abyss has six regions. ˘Each region of the Abyss consists of an entire hideous world and is populated almost entirely by evil beings. Once our world and the Abyss were one. Over a period of many years, numerous immense battles were fought between the good and evil races. ÒMany of the gods relished the challenges and strategies of battle. Others actually enjoyed the continual carnage and suffering. But time has the power to eventually wear down even the mightiest of gods and weaken the strongest of passions. ÌOpposing gods engaged their mighty powers to rip the Realmz and Abyss asunder. Not everyone supported the resolution. Thus, parts of each world were left behind in the other. Much as evil exists in our world, good exists in the Abyss. »I shudder whenever I think of those goodly beings left behind in the Abyss. Everywhere they turn, evil must stand in their path. In almost every respect, the Abyss is an exact opposite of our world. sFor countless centuries, our world and the Abyss have remained separate. However, the gods have become restless. ÂOmens and portents reveal that the gods intend to once again unite the Realmz and Abyss. We cannot allow this to happen! If our world and the Abyss were joined together, the result would be nothing less than a return to chaos. ◊The suffering would be immeasurable. Queen Selene has searched out the wisest of sages. By working together, we hope to prevent this catastrophic event from ever occurring. We refer to it as "The Coming of Doom". ÒI have used my foretelling powers to divine a location. I believe that this is where the gods will attempt to start stitching the two separate worlds back together. We must concentrate our efforts there in order to stop the coming of doom. ñThere has always been one common point between the two worlds where one could pass from one to the other. Good and evil come together at this point. ÂA book known as the Necronomicon has a dual existence on both worlds. The Necronomicon serves as the primary connection between them. On our world it is said that the book is pure evil. In the Abyss, it radiates pure goodness. ÕAlthough I have never seen it, it is said that the Necronomicon on our world has pages made from dwarven skin. The ink is elven blood, and the binding is made from the shards of bone of many goodly races. §If we can destroy the Necronomicon both in our world and the Abyss, we will be able to break the bond between the two worlds forever and prevent the Coming of Doom. ÂI'm sure you understand that this mission is fraught with danger. We have only a vague idea of where the Necronomicon on our world might be and no idea where it might be in the Abyss. You must search out and destroy both books. ¸Our world is doing it's utmost to prevent the coming of doom. However, you must be made aware that the evil vulk of the Abyss are striving just as hard to join our worlds together. They would relish the death and strife that would befall both worlds. ˚Even now they gather their strength to send forth into our world. They intend to find the Necronomicon on our world and keep it safe. Their wisest counselors are combining their powers and wisdom in an effort to prevent us from destroying the books. „You must prepare at once. This map shows the location where evil will make its first attempt to enter our world to obtain possession of the Necronomicon. You must also go there and attempt to destroy our link with the Abyss. ˚I fear that we ask too much of you, but we are under tremendous pressure. Now go! Destroy the Necronomicon or perish in the attempt! When you find the book, activate this magical gem. It will allow me to give you further instructions at that time. ›You are grabbed roughly and spun about face. Sir Matthew and a large group of warriors have you surrounded. "Looks like someone enjoys stealing church donations!" Sir Matthew's eyes pin you in a glare of dark suspicion. "The queen has authorized me to search everybody in the castle. You are required to submit to a search. There will be no exceptions." To assure your compliance, several warriors aim crossbows at you. ˘"What's this?" Sir Matthew discovers Stormbringer, a precious dagger, hidden among the confines of your clothing. He raises it angrily. "Thieves! You have pilfered our most sacred relic. You shall receive no mercy. Slay them where they stand!" îYou shrink back against a volley of crossbow bolts. After the initial onslaught, Sir Matthew and his men charge directly into hand-to-hand combat. ÄYou bitterly defeat your opposition and hastily beat a retreat before reinforcements can arrive to connect you with the carnage. ÊSir Matthew fixes you with a stern gaze. "You seem to possess an unusually large sum of money, but that is no proof. I seek a dagger. You are lucky that you do not have it. Good day to you. I must continue on with my search." ΩYou have found a short passageway that will allow you to secretly escape out of the castle. Although uncomfortably small and cramped, you manage to inch through it to the courtyard beyond. PThree fat furfoot guards wave you through. You keep a tight grip on your purse. ÚFour human guards are playing a game of bloody knuckles. A stone giant guard stands by absorbed in the play. The two human females are winning. One of the males appears mildly annoyed. The other male jumps up with accusations of cheating. ¯Two dwarven guards sleep soundly. Standing to their right, two gnome guards carry on an in depth discussion concerning the pros and cons of steam vs. water-driven grinding operations. You casually walk past. They regard you with little interest. ∑A dozen goblins guard this gate. Most are idiotically squabbling over the last scraps of a dead goat. Two guards who seem a bit less dull than the rest actually notice your passage. ËA sentry posted at the end of the hall commands you to halt and state your business. You are ordered to wait while he speaks in a low voice to a young guard. The guard rushes off and swiftly returns accompanied by the master page. ®"I am Bestron, master page of Castle Venemoor. Please, come with me. The queen will want to speak to you. You fit the description of those she has been waiting for." ¯You are brought before Queen Selene. She bears a reputation of high integrity. Her dark eyes regard you with forthright directness. Bestron waits outside. She and her court advisors will speak with you in private. "Welcome to Castle Venemoor." ú"I hope your stay in Westmore is pleasant, but brief. I have been anxiously awaiting your arrival for many days now. Your presence here is most welcome." ÊIt is obvious that she has been expecting you. She finds your transparent confusion amusing. "I can see that you're taken aback by my familiarity. It must seem strange that I greet you warmly as if reuniting with an old friend." ¡"My chief sage and soothsayer Thoth Amon has foretold of your arrival. He awaits you in his chambers at this very moment. I will not delay you long. An arduous task requires your abilities." ˝"Do not dare to shun this task! You must be willing to sacrifice your lives. Failure will result in consequences far worse. Please, go at once with Bestron to see Thoth Amon. He will explain all. Take this gift. It may help you with your mission." dYou thank the queen for her gift and bid her farewell. Bestron guides you to Thoth Amon's quarters. õ"These are Thoth Amon's private chambers. As master page of the castle, I am of too lowly a rank to enter. I wish you the best of luck. Fare-thee-well." ÿYou locate a small band of guards and accompany them back to the storeroom. As you assist the guards in checking out the storeroom, the clerk stands in a dark corner tensely watching the proceedings without comment. ÙYou notice that the door to the north has been locked from the outside. You hear some movement, but no voices. Perhaps prisoners are being held captive here. They could be gagged. On the other hand, it could be an ambush. Do you open it? ’You had heard of Gorgons as legendary creatures living only in the Abyss. This confirms your worst fears. If these mad dwarves have a Gorgons under lock and key, it can only mean that the Abyss and the Realmz... åare beginning to once again become one. You can only hope that the dwarves have not been able to summon more of the Abyss's evil creatures. ÙYou enter a thick-walled room that offers to store weapons and equipment for an expensive fee. The vigilant owner explains, "50 gold will get you in at any time. The high fee pays for the many guards we have." You survey your surroundings... ÛSeveral well-armed men patrol the storage facilities. The more expensive weaponry and equipment is stored in a massive locked vault at the end of the room. Your equipment should be quite safe. Do you wish to spend 50 gold to store it here? 2Do you wish to enter Raster's Storage for 50 Gold? ÍYou are surrounded by a large pack of Doomsayer dwarves. The leader runs a thumbless hand over his bald, tattooed head. He accompanies this with a gruesome leer. "Well! Look who we've caught in the open with nobody around to help!" æ"Too bad Bumpus isn't here to enjoy this. You have been the cause of much past grief. No more! Bumpus wanted you put to the whip, and we're going to fulfill his most cherished fantasies." £Before you can take up your combat positions, the leader cracks a nasty, biting whip. At the signal, his fellow Doomsayers charge forward shrieking like banshees. You search the leader's body. Several papers make obscure references to a hidden gateway. Pieced together, they provide you with enough clues to pinpoint its location. The gateway will lead you to the Doomsayer dwarves' underground lair. ˙Shortly after the quake subsides, you hear a voice within your mind. Thoth Amon communicates an urgent telepathic message. "It has started, my friends. The first coming of doom is upon us. You must act quickly if we are to eliminate its threat... éSeveral Hell Bats accompany Succubus. They skulk about the area ready to execute evil on some unsuspecting prey. Do you wish to attack them? ˇUsing the map I gave you, seek out the location we discussed. Destroy it! I believe that an evil plague of Hell Bats and Succubus may have already gained entrance to the Realmz. Don't fall spell to their charms. They will attempt to possess your souls.˛There's no time to delay. The longer this base of evil is allowed to exist, the greater and stronger its influence. It has already affected the entire island on which it sits. Soon it will spread to take possession of the townspeople who live nearby... ¯on the formerly serene shores of Crystal Lake. This evil must not be allowed to take hold. Already plans are in motion for the second coming of doom. It will enter the Realmz at a different location. I have been unable to pinpoint the locale. ¸You must obtain this information from within the first bastion. The second coming will arrive in 30 days when the moon is full. Seek out their first bastion. Destroy it, before it's too late!" Thoth Amon's voice fades into silence. Time is ticking. ˚A full moon has passed since the arrival of the first coming of doom. You have failed to destroy it, and its evil influence has continued to spread. The small town on the shores of Crystal Lake is now within its domain. Pain and suffering abound... ÚThe influence of the first coming of doom has spread. The entire city of Westmore has bitterly succumbed to its evil yoke. Though good is still superior in number and force, the evil Hell Bats and Succubus delight in havoc and destruction. ÎFirm and steadfast, several earth elementals guard the southern door. They do not advance and attack. However, it's clear that you will not be allowed to pass. Their feet have grown a web of roots that are sunk deep into the ground. ¸Without emotion of any kind, the mysteriously stoic earth elementals begin their attack. The earth trembles. Mounds of dirt spray upwards as they pull their mighty feet up by their full roots. Although slow, the elementals command profound strength. aA set of spiral stairs lead upwards to the top of the pyramid. Do you wish to ascend the stairs? ◊A pair of earth elementals guard this door. At your approach, one of the elementals slams the door shut. Your lead party member strikes the door in a head-on collision while attempting to slip through the opening. ΩThe impact rips the door from its hinges. Nothing stands between you and the elementals. You do not have the luxury to fall back and regroup. You are forced to fight under close combat. ÁYou enter a vast chamber. "Welcome, puny friends." A towering demon peers downwards from an imposing throne. His booming voice thunders, "You must be more powerful than you look to have successfully defeated so many elementals!" ≥"I assure you, it will be no easy task to escape my grasp. You may address me as Lord Pusswart. I shall not reveal my true name." Earth elementals stand to your right and left. ¶You appraise the situation. Three elementals and various demons occupy the chamber. You are considerably outnumbered and likely to fall in battle against such odds. ì"I give you a choice, puny mortals. You may experience death here and now in battle. OR You may perform a service for me. Which shall it be?" ÙYou flee. You desperately search for a less vulnerable location that will provide an advantage during a battle engagement. Seething in a fit of rage, Lord Pusswart's voice roars from his chamber. He commands his minions to follow and attack. ˛You run up against a wall. At least your backs are covered. You turn to face Lord Pusswart's oncoming minions. The elementals lag far behind. The demons attack willy-nilly, unwilling to wait until they have built themselves up to their full strength. >"So be it, mortals. You have made a grave error in judgment." íYou begin to rummage through the putrid bodies. While searching Pusswart's body, you discover a strange crystal. You find nothing else of value. ÀYou invoke the magic within the scrying stone. A vision soon takes form in the mind of the holder. You see a deadstone suspended in a swirling vortex. A pale hand enters the vortex to grasp the stone. 6A long hall dead ends approximately twenty feet ahead. tYou venture into one of the bastion's private living quarters. Your unwelcome intrusion provokes strong antagonism. ¡Two Barrow Trolls are shirking their duties by playing bones. Startled, you suddenly notice that the dice are actually orc skulls that have been painted. A viperion also indulges in the game. ˝You step into a training hall. Two large viperions are barking instructions to a roomful of barrow troll recruits on the art of club stance and manipulation. Your presence is not immediately noticed due to their involved concentration. Do you attack? ßYou have destroyed the major force of barrow trolls. With their deaths, the patrol force in this bastion of evil has been sorely reduced if not altogether eliminated. pYou run across a trio of Barrow Trolls on patrol. They have not seen you. Do you wish to hide and ambush them? ÿA strong odor of flowers drifts through the doorway. With the notable exception of some glowing portals, the room appears to be empty. Engravings of vulgar, demonic symbols twist and crawl their way up each portal. °You disturb a group of viperion while they are in the midst of worshipping their demonic god. You desire to answer their evil prayer worship with violent death. ˜A viperion priest sleeps in this chamber. Your entrance immediately startles him awake. Fearing for his life, the viperion begs shamelessly. "Please, great warriors! Do not slay me! Though I am a priest dedicated to the great demon god Vul... “I know that when I die I shall be brought before him. I will be judged and sentenced to an afterlife of eternal pain and torment. For years, I have obsessed over a possible way of escaping Vul's evil grasp... ˛Although I am viperion and should possess a heart of evil, it is not so. Take me with you! My knowledge and skills may be of some use. This may be my only chance to escape the Abyss." Do you take pity on the viperion and allow him to travel with you? 7"I will not be sent to stand judgment without a fight!" ˆ"Come! We will go to Zeldoz's chamber. If we slay her, I shall drink from the Vial of Purity. This will sever my connection with Vul and free me from his eternal damnation. If you help me achieve this goal, I will tell you everything I know." Stealthily, the priest leads you to a closed door located just west of his sleeping chamber. "Zeldoz and the Vial of Purity are in this room. Several priests always attend her. Our best weapon is the element of surprise. Let us attack!" ˙Bleeding badly, your ally writhes his way to a tiny chest. Trembling with weakness, he lifts the lid and clenches a vial. "Please, help me! I fear my wounds are fatal. If I can drink this before I die, I won't have to endure Vul's cruel judgment." ˙You hold the Vial of Purity with a steady hand. The priest leans heavily against you to drink. Exhausted, he smiles slightly as the last drop hits his forked tongue. "Thank you, my friends. I may now die in peace. Vul can claim my soul no more." ˇ"I regret that I have little time left to tell you anything of value. It's said that a precious magical item is kept hidden in this room. No one ever dared risk Zeldoz's wrath to look for it. I believe a search would be well worth your time and effort.∫The priest collapses in death. You're depressed by the fact that you don't even know his name. A shiver runs down your spine. The Abyss seems to provoke a sensation of cold anonymity. ÆYou locate Zeldoz's chambers. She is accompanied by several of her high priests. A sensitive magical ward has signaled your impending arrival. She has been expecting you. ÃYou begin to tear apart the room. A heavy chest is filled to the brim with clothing. You move the chest. Underneath, the floor taps hollow. You rip up the floorboards and discover a pair of gauntlets. \A large group of viperions enters from the other side of the room. They rush to attack you. È"Excellent! I am in need of a skilled assassin. Huntoo, powerful adversary of mine, must die! My minions have proven themselves too weak and stupid, and I have sworn an oath that thwarts me from carrying out the sweet deed myself. –I shall teleport you there at once. Assassinate Huntoo! Wreak death upon his minions! Plunder his possessions! When the deed is done, I shall teleport you back. You may leave laden with all your spoil." oYou're whisked away to a large hallway. There's an awkward interlude as you adjust to the sudden displacement. ÒYou enter Huntoo's chambers. "You do not belong here as long as the blood of life courses through your veins. I shall kill you now. Afterwards, I'll interrogate your undead forms to discover your true identity and purpose for being here." ŒYou are teleported back and stand once again before Lord Pusswart. "Excellent, my friends. Now that Huntoo has been destroyed once and for all, I will usurp his position and rule his region in the Abyss!" „"If the Abyss and the Realmz were reunited, I would be forced to relinquish my control over this newly acquired world. To retain my power, I must ensure that the Abyss remains separate. I believe we now share a common goal." ˝"I'll do what I can to prevent the melding of these two worlds. First and foremost, I'll abandon this wretched bastion. May it disintegrate into a pit of destruction! I must leave immediately to take up the demands of my new reign. I've much to do." ÒLord Pusswart raises his hands and disappears in a cloud of sulfurous smoke. Seconds after his departure, the bastion begins to quake. Without the will and magic of Lord Pusswart, it can no longer hold its material form within the Realmz. çThe bastion will soon return to the Abyss from which it came. It wouldn't be prudent to be inside when that happens. You make for the door. èA few of Lord Pusswart's evil minions travel faster than the others. They engage you in battle without bothering to wait for their companions. ZYour blades drip with ichor. You are quickly set upon by more of Lord Pusswart's minions. rSluggish Slime Demons arrive. Though they are slow and awkward, their unfaltering persistence saps your strength. ıThe slow, but formidable earth elementals are the last to reach you. It is becoming rapidly more difficult to lift your steel. You're sweating heavily, and your footing is unsteady. Breathing heavily, you face them and pray for a second wind. ÙLord Pusswart arrives and surveys the carnage. He palpitates with growing anger and disgust. Thundering words of an evil demon tongue spill from his lips. His minions vanish. The final battle between you and Lord Pusswart is about to begin. €The magic that enabled the bastion to remain materialized within the Realmz grows weak. Slowly, the bastion fades from sight. It has returned to the Abyss. Unshielded by the magic of transference, all those inside... Rperish. The unprotected inter dimensional transfer rips bodies and souls asunder. ÓYou receive a telepathic message from Thoth Amon. "Well done, my friends. It was wise to have selected you for this mission. Remember, the fate of the Realmz rests upon your shoulders. Press onward with your quest. Time is precious." îYou enter a small chamber that can be locked from the inside. As long as you keep quiet, you could probably take the time to rest here undisturbed. ÒYou open the door. A mass of slime demons squirm and twist about one another. The tiny room is filled with them. Incapable of rational thought, they're apparently aware enough of their surroundings to know when and who they should attack. lYou walk through several connected chambers. Each one is a repetition of the last - plain and nondescript. ‰It is feeding time for many of the burdened beasts in this bastion. The excessive salivating is unnerving. Compared to the maggoty meat served as their normal fare, you could be viewed as a scrumptious, mouth-watering dinner. ·I have used my arcane arts to determine the location of the second coming of doom. However, my attempts to gain knowledge of the enemy's activities in the Abyss have been discovered. Even now they cast magical wards that... ıwill block out my ability to ascertain their motives. During one of my forays, I was forced to engage in a duel of the mind against a lord on the Abyss's 4th region. Although I discovered the second coming's location and proved victorious,... Èthe beast inflicted lasting pain. I have lost much of my psychic power. The additional magical wards will probably make it impossible for me to detect future comings of doom. I can barely muster the strength to send this message." ÎThoth Amons telepathically transmits the picture of a map pinpointing the location of the second coming of doom. You hastily whip out a scrap of parchment and draw a physical representation before the impression has a chance to fade. fiA great quaking unsteadies the Realmz. It is the second coming of doom. An immense bastion now stands where one did not stand before. A great hole opens in the bastion's side belching forth an assortment of evil beasts. ÌThe beasts proceed to crawl, run, swim, dig and fly throughout the Realmz. They search for the Necronomicon. They plan to keep it safe from any who would seek to destroy it. They especially plan to keep it safe from those such as you. <A small group of barrow trolls. Do you wish to ambush them? ˛You discover a strange stone on the dead viperions' bodies. Excitedly, you snatch it up for a closer inspection. It is very similar to the stone you used to gain entrance to the first coming of doom. It may be a key that will allow you to gain access. [You happen upon a patrol of barrow trolls. Large reptilian creatures command the patrol. ¨You pull out the stone that you rifled from the patrol. It fits perfectly into a notch on the bastion's surface. You have now gained access to the bastion's inner bowels. ÌYou travel east at a good pace towards the dead forest. In the distance, you spot a large group of creatures. They appear to be moving in your direction. As the distance closes in, you identify them as an unfamiliar species of dragon. ıA stone giant in the area spots them as well. He shouts a cry of alarm. Others quickly pick up the cue and shouts of alarm spread throughout the village. Giants drop their daily work and gather together to defend their homes against invasion. ¸The giants view the oncoming dragons with unease. Throughout the village's entire oral history, there's no record of dragons ever attacking the city. Normally, they wouldn't even consider attacking a city of giants. They would pick an easier target. ÊUpon the death of the being, the bastion loses its power to maintain its material existence in the Realmz. It will soon be pulled back into the hellish Abyss from whence it came. You should break for the exit to avoid this fate. ‚You feel a weak fluttering within your mind. Is it just your overactive imagination or is Thoth Amon trying to communicate? "Friends, I must congratulate you on your continued success. You have done better than we hoped... ÔHowever, the worst of my fears have come true. I'm no longer able to determine the location of further comings of doom. During my last psychic foray, I was discovered and drawn into yet another battle with a noble from the nether planes. fiUnfortunately, it was no minor lord this time. My foe was an archduke, and my difficult victory was earned at a cost that shall be my undoing. My abilities grow weak and will surely fail before your mission is completed. I was able to penetrate the archduke's mind for a few scant seconds just before his untimely demise. I was unable to ascertain an exact location, but I believe that the third coming of doom should occur somewhere east of the second coming. fiI wish I could be more specific. I fear that the third coming may spell certain doom for Starling, a small village east of you. I hope you can hear me." There are a few more weak murmurings, but you can't make them out. øYou enter the village of Starling. Most of the huts are rather small in stature. It is almost entirely populated by furfoots. However, some dwarves run the smithy and a local jewelry shop. ÁA mighty quake heralds the arrival of the third coming of doom. It rears its ugly head right in the center of the normally sleepy village of Starling. Terror-stricken villagers run amok screaming amid the turmoil and confusion. ÃUnlike the previous two comings of doom, this bastion is composed of three pyramids. Each pyramid is larger than the next. You search the outside of all three and are able to discover only one blemish. ‰The surface of the largest bastion contains three indentations. They are similar to the indentations you discovered during your previous encounters. You place the deadstones of fear, jealousy and anger into the indentations. »You gain entrance to the cold, evil bastion. You now face the third coming of doom. The evil seems to engulf your body. You almost feel like you're being swallowed alive. You must stay in control. ÛYou enter a small crevice leading into the mountainside. Minutes afterwards, the earth begins to tremble. Dirt and grit streams downward causing you to gag and choke. You desperately cling to the wall. Your luck holds. The rumbling stops. ÌThe source of the quake is to your immediate west. Uncomfortably close, a small, glistening pyramid has thrust its way upward from the deep. You stand near a small portal in the pyramid's side. Muffled voices can be heard from within. ˆThe portal slides open at the merest touch. Stinking bodies in various states of decay strew the floor. Horrid, dark creatures ravage the carcass of a fresh deer. One looks up and sees you watching. Blood and ichor drip from its yellow teeth. ıThe foul stink of this place sends you reeling. You almost lose your last meal and pass out. These horrid, smelly creatures must hail from the Abyss. It's inconceivable that the lords of these infernal regions willingly consort with such ilk. ÂYou conjecture that the small pyramid is a vehicle used to transport trolls to the Realmz. Although the creatures arrived safely, you have ensured that they will never be able to perform the chaos they were sent here to create. ›You search the entire pyramid and find nothing of interest, except for a transparent glass ball. The ball sits upon a fragile stand made of intertwined threads of gold. A deadstone lies trapped within its circumference. ËYou shatter the glass ball against a wall. You pick up the deadstone and become enraged with jealousy. Your friends pin you down to prevent you from drawing steel and hacking them to pieces. You struggle to contain your emotions. flYou approach the mouth of the cave. A sudden panic grips your heart. You urgently want to run. Being hardy adventurers, you cautiously edge closer to the entrance. Murmuring the old adventurer's proverb comforts you... "Where danger leads, treasure follows." You peer into the cave's murky confines unable to see anything. Suddenly, a dwarf calls out. "You there! I wouldn't go in there. A full forty dwarves have entered. Not one has ever returned." ;You scoff at the dwarf's warning and boldly enter the cave. ıYou venture inward. A chill wind shoots from the back of the cave communicating icy fear. You slowly pick your way through the murk. The fear grows steadily more paralyzing. It's difficult to continue. However, you soon discover the source. ˛A group of greckle inhabit the cave. One demands furiously, "Why have you come here? For many decades we have lived here peacefully. Few have dared to enter. We do not want war, but if necessary we'll put an end to these intrusions once and for all!" ˘There's a pause. You sense that you're being appraised. The greckle continues, "If you leave now, I will allow you to live. Otherwise, you can share the same fate as others who intruded foolishly upon my private domain!" Do you stay and fight? ÷"Very well, you have freely chosen death." The Greckle outstretches his hand. His brilliant gold ring emits a flash of blinding light. When your eyes clear, you find that you are surrounded by a host of enemies. ®With one swift stroke, you sever the Greckle's bloated ring finger and pounce upon the severed digit. Using the dripping blood as a lubricant, you slide the ring free. ïA small family of Greckle inhabit this cave. Skilled in the ways of magic, the Greckle have rigged the cave with traps to deter potential intruders. ˙You encounter some greckle enjoying a sumptuous feast of roasted vulk. Using one of the vulk's four inch fangs as a toothpick, a satiated greckle lounges contently against the wall. The group seems totally unaware of your presence. What do you do? ÉYou launch a surprise attack and charge into the camp. A deadly first strike cuts down four of the greckle before they can react. ËThe remaining greckle stand back to back, forming an impenetrable knot. One flings a small statue to the ground. It lands near your feet. The statue grows undergoing a series of rapid contortions. It becomes a live nether beast. êThe cave seems to extend forever. Many greckle have made it their home. A large pride of saber felines accompany the greckle. Do you attack? ˘The greckle are totally oblivious to your presence as you stealthily form a ring about them. On cue, you hit them with a surprise ambush. The threat of cold steel pressed against their throats makes them more than eager to answer your questions. ˘The greckles' tempers flair. Their faces burn hot red. "We would rather die in the pits of hell than pledge ourselves to that she bitch!" They almost manage to wrestle free. You thrust your dagger mercilessly, slaying four of them at close range. ˚One greckle pulls a small statue from his pocket. "This is a summoning statue. When you need help, it can be used to call forth a beast from the nether region. However, the beast gradually learns to resist its pull. Use it only when in dire need." s"We know nothing of these places. Even if we possessed knowledge concerning secret caves, we wouldn't reveal it... ‰We can tell you that during recent time cycles, certain prophesied events have occurred. Our great book of knowledge foretold that these events would take place on the eve of our return to Tartarus, the home of our ancestors... ÁNow we amass provisions and gather our strength. We will need it to ensure a successful return. The great book says that only the strongest will survive the journey. We wait for a sign. Then we will know that it is time to go." ÷A shimmering pillar of light rises from a great pit and continues upward through a hole in the ceiling. Your path is completely blocked. You draw closer to the light. The life force begins to ebb from your body. ıThe light pulses like a beating heart. You edge closer to the pit, and the pulses' tempo increases. Your life energy continues to drain from your body. You stagger back in retreat to stave off this personal assault. The light's pulse slows. ˙Inside the ancient pyramid, your footsteps kick up a coat of dust that combines with the musty, stale air. You cough. A thin rat scampers off and disappears within a tiny wall crack. The pyramid consists of a single chamber with a vaulted ceiling. ∂Voluptuous, green vines grow from small holes in the walls. The vines exude a viscous substance. Movement catches your eye. A vine lashes out and wraps itself around a nearby rat. ˝The rat writhes frantically. Its piercing screeches come to an abrupt halt. The vine has slowly squeezed all life from its body. The vine slithers back into the hole from which it sprang to devour its catch. You decide to stay clear of the greenery. ˙An abandoned pile of rags lies on the floor. Closer inspection reveals that it's a greckle's rotting corpse. Apparently, the creature had been one of the vine's ill-fated victims. You search through the remains and discover some interesting items. ÔYour clever trick blocks the stream of energy. The beam reflects in upon itself and destroys its source. You peer down into the pit. You are unable to see anything in the darkness. It appears to be bottomless. You now pass with ease. ˚It's harvest time. Several mush-men toil arduously. Most of a healthy crop of lichen still cling steadfastly to a rocky expanse. As plants, they seem blissfully unaware that they are being ruthlessly uprooted. Do you wish to attack the mush-men? àYou come upon a small group of greckle along with some saber felines. They are unaware of your presence. Do you wish to attack them? ˚The bodies of several greckle are heaped near the cavern's entrance. You study the scene with trepidation. The attacker was swift, stealthy, and able to take on many opponents at once. Unused, the greckles' spears remain in their shoulder holsters. fiMuddy tracks appear along the edge of this underground watering hole. So far, you haven't discovered any other evidence of habitation in the cavern. You study the tracks intently. They may have been made by red dragons. flThe flapping of red dragons high overhead spells doom for those below. The lead dragon appears to have a humanoid struggling within its mighty grasp. The dragon is experiencing difficulties flying with such a heavy prey. ˇHorrified, you watch as the dragon drops the humanoid to the rocks below. For a few seconds, the creature's legs and arms flail wildly about. You're unable to look away from the creature's hopeless attempt to prevent or even lessen the impending impact.ßHe is dead. Seconds after the fatal fall, a flash of light occurs near the body. More humanoids appear out of nowhere. They have arrived by means of teleportation. From the looks of them, it would appear that four are warriors. The other two look like spellcasters. They obviously plan to take revenge against the dragons. Do you join with them in battle? ˘Wounded and bloody, a titan speaks to you, "Thank you, good people. I am Thyr, prince and heir to the throne of Thuadan. We hail from the Abyss. Unfortunately, this does not appear to be the right time or place to sit down and explain our story." ˇYou share the background of your mission and your desires to thwart the coming of doom. You hope that your candidness will encourage Thyr to reveal more. Thyr listens thoughtfully furrowing his brow. "Perhaps, I will share a brief account of my history.¸We teleported here in pursuit of these evil dragons. They captured Randolph, my squire. He was a true friend and a skilled comrade-in-arms. Alas, we were unable to prevent his death." Thyr's face twists in a grimace as he attempts to hide his pain. æ"Though we hail from the Abyss, we do not abide the evil ways of those that dwell there. We would benefit greatly by the joining of the two worlds. Conditions in the Abyss would improve... ¯However, we are repulsed by the idea of our lot improving at the expense of others. Our king labors to find a way for our entire nation to come to the Realmz. At present, we are using a magical talisman to travel between the Realmz and the Abyss. Unfortunately, it can only teleport six at any one time. I wish we could help you with your quest, but we must return home. Rumors have escaped that we are trying to leave the Abyss. Lately, there has been a series of malicious attacks." ´Thyr's eyes suddenly look unbearably exhausted. His shoulders slump downward. The wounded men huddle together while Thyr activates the talisman. They vanish from sight. ÏYou note the existence of several Bosk prints. These small, four-footed hooved creatures originate from the underworld. They are very similar to the wild cows one finds throughout the Realmz. You believe they've become dragon snacks. ‡You come upon an emerald dragon. It watches you with apathetic, vacant eyes. The dragon does not move or acknowledge your presence in any way. Its bones poke pitifully through the skin of its gaunt body. Do you approach? ˘You draw closer to the dragon. Finally, it speaks in an almost inaudible whisper, "Please, kill me. I cannot go on like this. I have been trapped here for centuries." The cavern walls contain a wealth of small holes. Rodents scamper in and out. Â"For hundreds of years, I have barely managed to sustain myself on the flesh of these rodents. Long ago, I was in this area hunting for sport when that pyramid appeared. Its powerful magic doomed me to this inescapable prison." ˇ"Your presence here is mystifying. Perhaps, I am insane and you are a mirage. All my attempts to escape have proven futile. Alone for so many years, I have been forced to reflect on my petty, evil past. I once relished in the torture of small animals.˝In my prime, I was a being of immense power. I wasted most of my time inflicting pain on small defenseless creatures. It was my greatest joy. I felt challenged by seeing how much torture I could inflict before a creature escaped me by means of death. ˆI beg you to put an end to this colorless existence. I lack the courage to do it myself. I have whiled away these centuries barely able to eat enough to sustain this body. This interminable imprisonment is beyond endurance." What do you do? ZA clever trick. You are able to move around the pulsating beam without getting too close. äYou slide a sharp blade across the dragon's throat. It offers no resistance. Its lifeblood flows freely as it sinks to the cavern floor. ÇIt begs for mercy. "Please! I will give you my most prized possession if you allow me to die with dignity." Do you reconsider? ˆThe dragon reaches deep into a nearby crevice. It pulls forth a large object swathed in rotting cloth. The ancient cloth disintegrates beneath your hands as you fumble with the bundle. Your reward is a fine, well-crafted suit of plate armor. û"Take it! It is my most prized possession. It is the one item I had with me when I became trapped." You accept the armor and honor your end of the bargain. ÏYou begin to cast a healing spell. Alarmed, the dragon protests vehemently. "No! I begged you to slay me! Do not heal me! This folly will be your undoing!" Too late. Majestic and powerful once again, the dragon towers above you. ˙Seething with rage, the beast glowers at you. "Traitors! You deliberately contradicted my wishes! I made it clear that this infernal imprisonment is beyond my endurance! You have no idea what a hell hole this can be for a being of immense power." Û"I revealed that I once was a beast of great power and savage cruelty. You will wish you had carried out my desire for death." The dragon casts a coercive spell. Cave rats stream from their holes to serve the dragon as allies in its attack. FYou make a mental note to always honor an emerald dragon's death wish. ‰You turn away from the beast. A long, agonized wail echoes throughout the cavern. "I begged you to slay me. Instead, you leave me to endure this interminable isolation. I will die eventually. However, you shall succeed me!" ÁA tall, roughly hewn gravestone stands alone. You clear away overgrown weeds and vines to read a chiseled passage. "We, the lost ones, hail from a land beyond the stars. In times forgotten, ABSU traversed the tranquil Realmz... Ëaccompanied by bright angels. We witnessed the advent of war between opposing gods. We suffered under their vengeful wrath. Dark angels stormed the Realmz reveling in death and destruction. We barely survived the reign of ABSU. ˝Across the generations, we were plagued. We scraped out an existence amid the mountains. The scorpions pledged their allegiance, then betrayed us. TIAMAT promised to never attack again. We have no faith in the gods' promises. They serve themselves. ÒStrife, death, and suffering threaten the Realmz once again. We will continue to fight for our survival and strive to prevent this everlasting evil. We know many more will die in the undertaking. Peace be unto Marduk." What do you do? ‡You dig. After half an hour of toil, you strike a plain stone casket. Heaving heavily, you force the massive lid over until it crashes to one side. A twelve foot tall humanoid skeleton is revealed. It possesses six arms. ˙The arms lie folded across the chest, each hand clutching an obsidian sword. You begin to pry the swords away from the skeletal figure. Its jaw drops wide open. You almost jump right out of the grave when it emits a hollow wail. "Be my champions!" Wisps of smoke start to rise from the skeleton. It abruptly collapses to ashes. All that remains are the six obsidian swords. ÓYou invoke the enchantment of the obsidian sword. A mist gathers and grows increasingly dense. Gradually, a nebulous being arrayed in obsidian armor takes shape. Small horns crown the being's head. It speaks a few words and vanishes. fFeelings of peace and tranquillity saturate your senses. Healing magic soothingly flows through you. "Heartstone binds all others." "The key must lie within." "The weak control." "There can be only one." "To enter, you must sacrifice." "Only MARDUK may pass." eFeelings of peace and tranquillity saturate your senses. Healing magic soothingly flows through you. T"The one beneath the grave attends you. Be assured. A blessing has been bestowed." ¶You become caught up in your curious examination of the artifact. Before you know it, the greckle have given you the slip and disappeared into a well-concealed cave. ÏA slight man approaches you. His shifty eyes dart furtively about, and he fairly trots with a springy, nervous gait. The sight does not inspire your trust. "Friends! Perhaps, you would be interested in purchasing a little knowledge. ìFor a small fee, say 550 gems, I could let you in on an interesting fact. I guarantee you this tasty tidbit is well worth the price." Do you pay? Á"I have learned from a reliable source that the queen's religious adviser, Sir Matthew, keeps an invaluable relic stashed somewhere within the queen's temple. Unfortunately, I am closely watched and unable to get anywhere near it. ‡The queen looks upon you with favor. You could probably search the temple without arousing too much suspicion. It would be best that you mention this encounter to no one." His beady eyes shoot you a sharp, warning glance. üRumors say an entire chest of magical items are hidden within the temple. Because of your popularity, no one would ever suspect you to steal from the queen. ¨He looks warily about, then leans forward and confides, "I can offer you a map for a modest fee of 950 gems. It would guide you right to the hidden treasure." Do you pay? éCackling gleefully, the man slings the heavy sack of gems up onto his back. "Thank you, fine friends. I shall never forget your generosity." ÔUsing your newly purchased map as a guide, you begin your search for the hidden treasure. You shortly arrive at a secluded alcove. A fresh, rectangular imprint shows that an object was recently removed from the site. You've been taken! ˚You approach a shabby, wooden hut. The door is chained shut from the outside. As many as three discernible voices can be heard groaning from within. With the exception of a small slot cut in the door, thick tar coats all of the hut's open crevices. ÌA few dwarven citizens spot you loitering about the hut. One shouts a warning, "I wouldn't go near there! Dem folks have de wastin' disease. Even de holy dwarves can't cure dem. You best keep yer distance." Do you approach the door? ÎYou are contemplating whether or not to heed this warning, when a pair of dwarves carrying food trays approach the hut. They wear lard-soaked sacks over their heads. The dwarves quickly stuff the trays inside the slot and break away. ÈAs soon as they're far enough, the two dwarves yank the sacks off their heads. They stand still and deeply inhale the fresh air. After a few moments, they're able to return to their daily activities. Do you still want to approach? éThe tar on the shack catches fire quickly. It triggers an alarming explosion. The shack bursts wide open spurting a shower of flaming shards. ≈Flaming debris and individual body parts assault the immediate area. The frightened townsfolk come running to investigate the explosion. The dwarves begin to choke and gag as they reach the site. ÏYou realize that you have made a grave error in judgment. Your throats sear as if they've been force-fed hot coals. Seconds later, your skin breaks out into large welts. The wasting disease has successfully infiltrated its new hosts. Your strength deteriorates. You collapse to the ground and succumb to a series of rapid convulsions. Having released a great plague upon the land, the price will be dear. You shall be the first of many to die agonizing, torturous deaths. ÀA feeble voice urgently cries from within. "Come closer. In my condition, even speaking requires effort." You hear a strangled, choking sound followed by a fit of coughing. Do you approach the door? flYou move closer. "Stop! Come no closer or you may share our fate. Only a madman would wish it. We have the wasting disease. Most of its victims drop dead within minutes. An unlucky few have lasted as long as a month. flSuch is our misfortune. I am Grem Stalwart. My two companions and I are all that is left of a force of nearly one hundred warriors. We had been searching for a gate to the nether world. However, we did not get very far. ÛOnly days into our journey, we were attacked by a group of hideous beings that almost defy description. They appeared to be part dragon and part fish. As we charged, a foul sorcerer smashed a vial at our feet. A deadly plague was released. ˚Its effects were devastating. We were unable to dispatch the sorcerer and his minions. Our warriors easily succumbed to the disease. The lucky ones died quickly. Of the forty survivors, thirty-seven perished from the disease on the march homeward. ÁNow we are but three. Every second seems endless. We can't think. We can't move. We can't even breathe without suffering miserably. We simply wait for death. I could reveal where we encountered these foul beings. However,... Ëyou must not tell the dwarven elders. I would not give them this information. The whole dwarven population would have marched to avenge our fallen comrades, and I absolutely refuse to be responsible for so many senseless deaths." öOnce you agree to keep the information to yourself, the wretched soul explains how to locate the sorcerer. You draw a crude map based on his description. †You enter a crevasse. It's a tight squeeze. How could over a hundred heavily armed dwarves all dressed in protective armor have possibly made it through here? ÁThe dwarf begins to cough nonstop. He desperately gasps for air and finds himself unable to continue the conversation. There is nothing you can do to comfort him. Feeling awkward, you decide that it would be best just to leave. ÎYou hack the rusty chains in two and kick the door in. Three misshapen figures oggle you with mouths agape. You believe their grossly distorted features portray shocked surprise. It's difficult to interpret their warped expressions. ˜You sever the chains in two and retreat back. After a few moments, three grotesque figures emerge dressed in filthy rags. They attempt to shield their sensitive eyes from the sun. Pus drains from their open sores. The townsfolk panic and flee. ˚A pleasant shop. It is filled to the brim with an amazing variety of goods, everything neatly organized. The shopkeeper is a short, stocky furfoot with a bulbous, red nose. With a broad smile, he invites you to browse the finest shop in the Realmz. ÈThe shop has been vandalized and looted. Clawed prints outside the door provide a clue as to who was responsible. The poor shopkeeper lies dead in the corner, his hands still clenching a mace. He defended his shop to the very end. ¬Growling and snarling can be heard in the distance. You suspect that it is a pack of vulg wolves. Do you wish to hunt them down and destroy them? ¸Crying comes from a nearby hut. You enter and see a small furfoot girl crying inconsolably, her head buried in her arms. You guess she is only seven years old. Between sobs, she tells you that her papa was led away three days ago by some hooded men. Î"They were human. I did not see their faces, but I know they were about human size. They wanted to take me away. Papa told them I was outside playing somewhere, but I was really in the attic. When they came, I saw them from above. ÏThey kidnapped papa by force. When mama came home from shopping, I told her what had happened. She bade me to go southeast and live with grandma. Then she took off after papa. They've been gone three days. Can you bring them back?" ßYou tell her that she cannot stay in the hut alone. She must follow her mama's bidding and go live with grandma. You will find her parents and bring them back there. SShe begs you to find her parents. Do you agree to look for her parents? §The little girl and her grandma have locked themselves inside the hut. When you admit that you didn't find her parents, the little girl begins to cry hysterically. ¢The little girl rushes into her parents' arms. Tears of joy flow down her face. Her grandma pulls you aside to thank you. She slips you a small leather pouch. ÎCristiana tells me that she found this near a building. Perhaps, this was what those hooded men were looking for. Take it. It may be valuable. With tears in her eyes, she leaves you and rushes over to embrace her reunited family. ˜Muffled moans and cries attract your attention. You peer into the window of a nearby building. A man and woman are bound to chairs. Hooded figures beat them repeatedly. Do you watch for a while to see what you can learn? -OR- Do you attack? flThe ferocity of the beating continues to increase. The captives appear to know nothing. The hooded figures don't even seem to be asking any questions. You are just about to intervene, when you make a shocking discovery. €Two of the hooded figures suddenly throw off their robes to reveal their true identities. Mind slayers! Sickly tentacles sprout from their bulbous heads. The tentacles reach out and wrap around their captives' heads. ˜The mind slayers begin to devour their captives' brains. The exhausted victims barely put up a struggle. You burst into the room. The unconscious captives sit slumped over in their chairs. Startled, all eight tormentors turn to focus on you. ¢They must have been questioning the captives the whole time using telepathy. You have no idea what they were asking or why. Perhaps, the little girl knows more. ‰The hooded figures cast off their inhibiting robes. All eight of them are mind slayers. You immediately eliminate two. A pair of lightning strokes sunders their heads from their bodies. The remaining six will not be so easy. ∑You arouse the captives and release them from their bonds. They lean weakly on one other, crying tears of joy at the news that their daughter is safe. "Please, help us return home." ¸The little girl and the old woman clutch each other silently. They break down completely at the news of the loss of their family. The old woman begins to scream and curse at you and your failure. You hastily withdraw from the poverty-stricken shack. ˙Broken utensils. Bits of leftover debris. The remains of campfires. Thousands of marching boots have destroyed the grass and churned up the ground to a muddy muck. Apparently, a fair number of armed bands have recently traveled through this area. ÂNondescript bootprints cover the ground. However, their depth implies that the owners are of heavy build. Some prints can be attributed to giants and trolls. They may be serving as complementary support for these roving bands. ©In the distance, you observe a patrol made up of several large creatures. They have not seen you. Do you approach? ¶A group of orc infantry is engaged in an invigorating skirmish against a group of trolls. Several stone giants fight alongside the orcs. The orcs should win easily. ¸You decide not to intervene. Let the orcs enjoy their fun. Troll reinforcements unexpectedly gush forth from a nearby cave. Unsheathing hefty bone clubs, they race to join the battle against the orcs. Do you reconsider and offer the orcs your help? ˝Although badly wounded, the orc patrol leader will survive. He thanks you for your help. "Queen Selene dispatched us to patrol this valley. She had been receiving numerous complaints. Roaming bands of trolls have been creating problems in this area. ≠I think that was the last one. We have spent the past few weeks squelching smaller, roaming bands. Good thing you came along when you did, or we would have been done for." cA small group of trolls live in the back of the cave. They defend their home with fierce tenacity. {You enter a damp cave and travel uneventfully for several lengths. Finally, you emerge into an underground mushroom grove. ÒYou bumble about in the darkness almost running into a wall of large, purple, mindless worms. They would probably relish a treat of meat vs. their daily fare of fungus. Luckily, they seem dismally unaware of your presence. Do you attack? ∫Large holes are scattered throughout the area. The large worm creatures must use them as homes. You cautiously peer down one. A large pile of bones lies at the bottom. Do you enter? ÃYou come upon an impressive expanse of giant fungus. It covers this entire area. At the edge of your torch light, a large worm like animal feeds hungrily on the substance. It pays no attention to you. ˆLarge ants launch an attack on one of the worms. During your childhood, you used to drop earthworms on anthills as a form of amusement. This same scene is now being played out on a scale of immense proportions. Do you wade in to free the worm? ®You are soon up to your butt in giant ants. Whose bright idea was this? You can bet that if the roles were reversed, Mr. Mindless Purple Wonder wouldn't help you out. You wallow in a pit filled to the brim with old bones. Bodies of dead giant ants lie scattered amid the bone sea. The bones have all been picked clean. The ants' carapaces have been entirely stripped of flesh. Do you continue to search? ÷You plod doggedly through the flotsam. The sounds of slithering bring you to an uncertain halt. You look up. The hole entrance has been blocked. A huge, purple worm has returned to its routine place of relief. ’A small opening in the side of the worm expands to an eye-popping size. The worm is disgorging its offal! You are almost crushed under a deluge of bones and dead ants. You desperately thrash away from the hole. ŸWhen you emerge, you discover that the great worm is ten times the size of any you have ever encountered. Its mouth is lined with thousands of needle-like teeth. As far as you know, there is no record of this breed. ¸The remains of the bones and ants suggest that the beast engulfed most things whole. Its victims were swallowed alive in one big gulp. During battle, you managed to inflict a long gash in the worm's side. A glint from within attracts your attention. ODo you wish to literally enter the "Belly of the beast" and take a look around? ÙYou shield your nose. The smell of the beast's innards is overpowering. Stomach acid from the beast's great digestive sack begins to work its way through your boots. You begin to pick your way towards a faint glimmering. Do you continue on? ∏Various pieces of metal armor have survived the worm's digestive juices. You pick them up and head back towards the opening before the stomach acid can dissolve your boots completely. UA group of monsters are not too far off in the distance. Do you wish to attack them? ÛA rotting chest catches your eye. It's locked, but the iron is old and rusty. You wrench it apart with your bare hands and toss open the lid. You shove about some rotting bolts of cloth, a leather helm and two ancient pewter drinking cups. äThe edge of the pit gives way. You must successfully complete an acrobatic act at a -10% chance of success in order to avoid falling in. õA cell from a tremendous honeycomb protrudes from the rock. You poke at the cell experimentally. It ruptures at your touch. Gallons of honey ooze forth. ˆAfter the cell drains, you climb inside to have a look around. Giant insects emit a continual buzz as they work. You can hear them clearly through the cell wall. Do you wish to puncture the wall, enter the hive, and further your investigation? ΩYou cut through the tough, waxy substance. There is a distinct pressure difference between the cave and the hive. You are immediately sucked inside. Cold air gusts its way into the hive. fSeveral bees respond swiftly to the incoming blasts of cold air. They rush over to repair the damage. ÃYou have slain the bees in the immediate area. However, more are on their way. You consider entering the hive. Perhaps, you can hide there temporarily without drawing attention. Do you enter the hive? SYou enter the hive. The floor and walls are sticky. Movement is slow and arduous. ›The comb narrows here. Loud buzzing can be heard from the area where you originally entered the hive. It would be impossible to return and use it as a possible escape route. You'll have to find another way out of here. ˚Bees swarm over the broken cell where you first entered. They work quickly to repair the damage you caused. Others swarm in your direction. Death is the only thing on their minds. You know they will do whatever it takes to carry out their mission. ÒYou breathe in a welcome draft of fresh air. You must be getting closer to the hive's entrance. You quicken your pace. The buzzing grows louder. It is not the same as the steady, continuous hum of the hive. The buzzing is more sporadic. ÒAn attack on the hive appears to be the reason for the sporadic buzzing. The giant bees are attempting to fend off a group of persistent wasps. However, the wasps are not at all willing to give up their desire for the bees' sweet treasure. ≠Bigger and stronger, the wasps plow through the hapless bees one after another. Snatching them up between steel-like mandibles, the wasps crush their prey without mercy. fiThe bees only hope lies in their sheer numbers. They flood the entrance with their bodies and prevent the wasps from entering the hive. To your great dismay, you find yourself caught in the midst of this frenzied battle. ∫You fight your way through the chaos and break through. Another flight of giant wasps heads for the entrance. Giant bees boil up from the hive to engage them. You flee for your lives. ‹Weighed down by your wounded, you struggle to distance yourself from the raging battle. You have just witnessed mother nature in her full fury. Never again will you look at the ordinary honey bee in quite the same way. ãYou retreat from the hive. The bees work to harden the seal. They greatly increase the wall's thickness so that you cannot break back in. jA neglected barn. Several run-down, dilapidated buildings clutter the area. All were abandoned long ago. flYou enter a tavern that caters mostly to small furfoots. Furfoots are known for their jolly sense of humor and their easygoing nature. They greatly prefer the cheery comfort of home and hearth over adventurous wanderings. ÊYour muscles become tense, and you grow uneasy. These furfoots are unnaturally quiet and brooding. More than one dark glance has been cast in your direction since you first entered. The tavern contains more than a dozen tables. ˘Most of the tables are empty. Only chairs with their backs to the wall are being used. From the looks of this surly lot, it's a necessary means of survival. The cold, steely eyes of one furfoot stares down at you from a wanted poster on the wall. ÁAccording to the poster, Queen Selene is offering a bounty of 3000 golden zaviers for Seleron's capture and return. Seleron must be a mighty foe. He boldly sits at a corner table making no attempt whatsoever to hide his identity. å"I have heard that a bunch of nosy adventurers have been wandering about the wrong part of town. Rumors say they haven't got long to live." ˘The tension in the room along with the threat on your life unnerves you. You have not been watching your back. Alarmed, you move to shift position. Too late! A slew of darts pierces your necks. You reach up wincing and collapse into darkness. ·You regain consciousness still feeling groggy and ill from the darts' aftereffects. Someone has hog-tied and transported you to an unfamiliar cave. Your vision steadily clears as that someone leans over you, hands on hips. ˆ"I see you finally decided to greet the new day." Seleron spends a few minutes gloating over your predicament. He finally offers a clue regarding your location. "I like to house my band of cutthroats in the goblin quarter. Few dare come here. ÓIf the awful smell does not drive one away, the sniveling goblin beggars surely will. Ha! Ha! I cannot believe my good fortune. Your gear shall fetch me a handsome price! And the magic you've amassed!" His eyes glint with greediness. Û"You will no longer need these items." Seleron snaps his fingers. Several burly goblins enter on cue. "Take them to Spider Flat and cut their bonds. Stay long enough to make sure the spiders finish them off." The goblins nod their assent. ˝Seleron's smile is more of a sneer. "Friends! I won't kill you. The spiders will have that fun. I'm afraid you won't be so brave and strong without your protective baubles." Seleron's long, hearty laugh echoes after you as the goblins drag you away. ˆThe goblins drag you to a drafty, open area of the cave and toss a sharp stick at your feet. "Free yerselves with that. If yer smart, you'll stay tied up so the spiders can make quick work of ya. Fightin' with yer bare hands won't do no good." ÛYou quickly free yourselves. It's too late to escape. The goblins have pulled shut a massive, iron door to keep you trapped within the area. You look around searching for another exit. A mass of hairy legs emerges from out of the darkness. hMore spiders pour forth. They are eager to dine on the sweet treats Seleron has so generously provided. “He nods and motions you to sit opposite him. "Please, I would enjoy some stimulating conversation." You sit down and question him about the area. He rambles vaguely. The room seems unusually quiet and still. ˛He moves from one unrelated topic to another, staring at you with bright, feverish eyes. Uneasy, you realize that you have turned your back on the rest of the crowd. A slew of darts pierces your necks. You jump with a start and collapse into darkness. —Most of his previous adversaries have succumbed to fear and retreated. He is quite unprepared for your bold, headlong rush. A few of his brave comrades attempt a blockade. You effortlessly strike them down. ÚYou close in on Seleron. He heaves the table in your face and bolts for the door. You curse at the delay and burst out of the tavern in hot pursuit. Seleron and his men wait for you out in the open. They have taken up defensive positions. ùA few of the queen's men are out on patrol. They do not take sides or intervene in the battle. They refuse to risk death for a cause that is not their own. ΔOne of the soldiers summons the local tax enforcer. "Well done! The queen will be more than pleased that this bandit has met his end. He and his band of cutthroats shall loot and pillage no more. ÙA handsome bounty exists on this lawbreaker." The tax enforcer removes a chest from his heavily guarded transport and deftly counts out your reward from the tribute he's collected that month. You count it over and sign the receipt of payment. ˇ"I have full authority to act in these matters. The queen expects rewards to be given out promptly. She will be glad to learn that Seleron's lawlessness has finally drawn to a close." Soldiers pat you on the back and express their heartfelt admiration.”The crowd laughs and jeers as you duck out of the tavern. The god of bravery frowns down upon you. Many brave deeds must be achieved if you're ever to atone for such cowardice. Each PC looses 5000 experience. ÊThe goblin quarter lies just ahead. Slimy sewage clogs the streets. The stench of goblin offal permeates your clothing. Goblin beggars hound your every step. High, thick walls separate this quarter from the rest of the city. ¶The well emits a fetid stink. You peer down into the darkness and discern three dead goblins floating on the scum-covered surface. More may have sunk to the bottom. “Two goblin children play with rats at the river's mouth. For fun, they release a rat into the water. It paddles frantically in circles. A whirlpool pulls the struggling rat under. The children howl in glee. √The goblins notice you and break away from their play. They approach pleading for coins and food. You try to shoo them away. A small rat skeleton pops up from the whirlpool and swims to shore. õYou scrutinize the whirlpool closely. It looks quite ordinary. However, looks are deceptive. Do you wish to enter the whirlpool and investigate further? ÿYou pop out of the whirlpool. You have arrived at an underground lake. Decomposing goblin bodies lie on the shore. You shove their bloated, maggot-covered bodies into the lake. They sink into its hidden depths. ÌYour eyes wander about the large cavern. What could have dissolved the rat's flesh down to its skeleton? A mass of green slime moves along the shore. It breaks into smaller, identical blobs. Together, they begin to ooze towards you. ºMore masses of slime, both green and yellowish, ooze their way across the shoreline. The creatures dominate the cavern. A soft glow of light can be seen in the distance to the northwest. 8Another whirlpool sucks you back through to the surface. ŸYou have reached the middle of the hive. An immense queen bee is holed up inside a pit. Unable to move, she is almost as large as a full grown bull vusk. A few workers attend to her needs. Do you wish to kill her? ‰With her entourage destroyed, the bloated, immobile queen is defenseless. You rupture her abdomen spilling hundreds of eggs to the ground. As the news of her death spreads, the hive's organized efforts give way to total chaos. ‰ You approach a giant's residence. A mother feeds her two children from bowls large enough to wash your clothes in. The kids hop up and down. They ask their mother if they can play with you. They think you're really cute. ÈThe mother agrees reluctantly. The children plague you with questions and chatter endlessly. You attempt to be pleasant and try to leave. Their story about a small reptilian creature that walks on two feet captures your attention. The children chatter excitedly, "Yes! We both saw it. We were playing mumbly peg with some old deer bones, and a little scaly critter ran by. It was scampering about the mountains just south of here. ®It spoke to us in a funny voice, then it fled into the foliage. That was several weeks ago. We tried to follow it, but mama started calling us to come in for supper." RThey prattle on about supper and their favorite foods. You quickly lose interest. ˆA small farmstead. The farmer, along with his wife and children, greet you warmly. You're invited to stay for lunch. After eating, they excuse themselves. "We would love to sit and chat some more, but we must return to our chores. Good day." ˜The farmhouse is empty. A few cats prowl about. You find the farmer, a short furfoot, out tilling his eastern fields. Two large pigs tug the plow up a slope. The farmer spots you and calls the pigs to a halt. He waves for you to come closer. ˜"Greetings, strangers! This weather is mighty fine, ain't it? Yep! I should be able to finish all my plowing today. Say! What brings you traveling this way? We don't see many foreigners in these parts. It's usually pretty quiet around here. fiThe only time we ever see anybody is when the tinker or the tax enforcer stops by. You folks don't look like tax enforcers or tinkers. Hey! You're here to investigate the problems I reported to the governor, ain't you?" ˆYou ask the farmer to explain the problems he's been having. "Dang it! Some varmint has been raiding my chicken coop, and it ain't no fox. I lose a hen or two 'most every night. Haven't managed to catch the critter yet. Haven't even seen it. ÎI tell you I sat up all night for the past three nights and didn't see a thing. Every morning I'd count my chickens and be short a couple. We got a sneaky thief in these parts, and I don't like it! I pay taxes! I expect protection! ˆNever saw so much as a track. Ah! I did find something odd. There was a line in the dirt heading towards that cave to the east. I won't go in there. No sir! My grandpap died up there, and I refuse to go anywhere near that accursed place. BYou chat further, but the farmer reveals nothing else of interest. JA squad of Doomsayer dwarves patrol the area. Do you want to attack them? çThe bodies of mutilated dwarves lie at the foot of the cave entrance. Bloody footprints lead deep within the cave's dark, forbidding tunnel. VThe cave continues on. Do you wish to venture deeper into its gloomy, inner recesses? ÷The gate has been smashed open. There are no guards in sight, dead or alive. On a table, a long curl of smoke drifts upward from an abandoned hookah. Bone dice lie strewn across the dirt floor of the guardhouse. ¸This barracks was used to house guards for the gate. The doorway is held open by two dead bodies crumpled in a heap. The inside is a huge blood bath of dwarves' mutilated bodies. Some had their throats cut before they could even leave their bunks. ÂChests at the foot of every bunk have been ripped open. Their contents lie dumped and shredded all over the floor. There is a steady drip, drip, drip. Your gaze travels upwards. At least a dozen dwarves hang from the rafters. ‹Every dwarf has endured disembowelment, vicious mutilation or slashing. You come to the end of the barracks. A gaping, jagged hole has been blasted through the stone wall. Bloody footprints lead away from the opening. ßUnlike dwarven prints, these tracks feature claws and are much greater in length. You envision the owners as immensely powerful. They must be of exceptional stature. åScreams shatter the silence. The strangled cries of dwarves along with the clashing of steel comes from another barracks not too far away. ˙By the time you arrive, the second barracks is deadly quiet. You edge the door open slowly. The scene is ghastly. Forty dwarves have been strangled and mutilated in their own blood. You come across small puddles of coagulating, alien green blood. ”A broken dagger hilt lies near the alien blood. The hilt glows, emitting a strong aura of magic. As you watch, the dagger's aura slowly fades away. The plain hilt of a once mighty weapon is all that remains. ¶It appears that this rampaging creature cannot be hurt by ordinary weapons. The chests in the room have all been torn asunder. The beast is searching for something. ÔWhile you ponder the scene, the barracks shakes and trembles down to its foundation. Some monstrous creature is milling around outside the barracks. The heavy footsteps pause. Do you hide? OR Do you rush out and confront the beast? You lose experience. Begging for coin, a pesky goblin child buzzes about you like an angry Fesp Hornet. You pay little attention. After a minute, he boldly darts in amongst you and cuts the purse off of one of your party. ˘The child bolts toward a group of goblins that are standing over the dead, bloated carcass of a corelian musk cow. Before you can stop him, the imp has thrust the purse into one of the goblin's palms. He's probably the leader of this filthy band. ˘The goblin cracks its lips into a twisted smile of satisfaction. You approach the leader hoping to get your purse back without having to resort to violence. Tempers flare. The goblin insists that the purse is his, and that he's had it for months. ÓThe rest of the goblins close in. With growing excitement, they urge their leader to fight for the purse. The goblin's outright lies have infuriated you. The heated argument is ready to come to blows when a hush falls over the goblins. ˛The filthy crowd of goblin onlookers parts aside. A massive goblin attired in stunning armor eyes you both reprovingly. He demands, "Who breaks the peace in Shalutie's domain?" You and the goblin thief state your versions about what has just occurred. •Shalutie easily senses the truth behind your words and turns to address your foe. "Bulgwiddle! We goblins have endured much in our efforts to scratch out a living." Ì"Your actions deter respectable businesses from ever setting up shop in this part of the city. We will never raise ourselves to better standards when thugs like you harass and steal from every human, dwarf, and furfoot that comes here." ˆ"By my hand, you will serve as an example to those bent on pursuing such lowly endeavors." Shalutie orders the purse to be returned. There is a blinding flash as he draws his shimmering sword. Bulgwiddle's severed head topples to the ground. ÙThe stunned goblins scatter. Shalutie's deep voice thunders after them. "Criminals will not be tolerated! You will learn decency or everyone of you shall suffer a similar fate!" The last of the crowd flees into the shadows. Shalutie speaks. ˆ"I apologize, good people. The goblin quarter is full of thieves. They are a constant source of trouble. Queen Selene will burn this quarter and drive the goblins out if they do not learn to behave as civilized folk. Let me introduce myself." ˛"I am Shalutie. I oversee this quarter of the city. However, keeping these goblins in line is an ongoing battle, and I've grown weary of it. You appear to be an honorable group. Would you consider letting me join your party?" Do you accept Shalutie? Á"My friends, before we travel too far together, you should know my story. It may surprise you to know that, in fact, I was once a gnome. Many years ago, I had been traveling in the underworld. I was only a young boy at the time. ™I had the misfortune of stumbling upon a party of dark elves. At the time, I was young and foolish enough to charge them. A mage cast a spell of transformation upon me. ˇI was transformed into a bosk. There was nothing I could do to stop them. I felt totally helpless. They spoke to me in my native tongue. 'This is too good for you. We shall change you into something even worse!' As they laughed, I was transformed...Ùinto a goblin child. I almost perished. A passing party of goblins found me wandering lost and on the verge of starvation. They took me in and cared for me. Most goblins are cruel and deserve to be despised. This tribe was quite different. µThey cared for me and showed great compassion. Thus, I grew up among a civilized tribe of goblins. In all my days, I have never again encountered goblins that behaved as they did. ˛Due to my upbringing, I truly believed that all goblins were capable of being civilized. I have striven to teach and act as a role model of goblin civility. I asked to rule the goblin quarter. Alas, I had hoped to produce change and make a difference. ªThe tribe who took me in was eventually wiped out by a clan of dwarves. They had no idea that this particular band of goblins could have been the start of a new beginning for goblinkind. ˜I would like to continue my search for a tribe of goblins that is capable of being civilized. When I first came to this city, I had hoped that the goblins would assimilate with other civil races. I thought they would strive to better themselves. ÚI was sadly mistaken. I've no particular direction in mind. However, it would be pleasant to have company during my quest. I hope to be of some service to you during our travels together." You wish Shalutie success and offer your support. ‰A humble shack has been patched together out of twigs and branches. It leans awkwardly to the right. You hear the crackling of a strong fire. The door is flimsy and would not prevent an intruder from entering. Do you knock? ¯An old man answers, "Who is it? I'm very busy and cannot be disturbed!" He whips the door open without waiting for a response. "So! A bunch of vagabonds come to steal my dinner! Begone, or I shall summon the spirits of the forest to slay you!" ˚You manage to convince the old hermit that you do not mean him any harm. He invites you inside for a bowl of gruel. You decline the mixture and wait patiently for him to finish. "Perhaps, you are the ones I've been waiting for. It's been so long." Ú"Before my Zelda passed away, she told me that some day the saviors of Rhulach would come for me. She never revealed what Rhulach was or why these saviors would want me. My poor Zelda! At the end, nothing but nonsense passed from her lips. ÔShe mentioned them so often. Saviors and Rhulach must have just been feverish imaginings. In her prime, my Zelda had been renowned for her abilities as a powerful sorceress. She only dabbled in protective spells. She made this for me." ‚Hanging from a chain around his neck, the old man holds up a small crystal entwined in gold. "She said I should never take it off. Supposedly, nobody can take it from me by force, and I cannot be harmed as long as I wear it. ˛I don't believe in such things. My love for Zelda is the real reason why I've never taken it off. It's been five hundred years since her death. That's a long time for a lonely mortal to live." He stares at the bauble. Do you ask the man to join you? JTorches fill a stone basin. You sort through them and take the best ones. ˛The bodies of dead dwarves blanket the area. Some of the stone huts are empty. Others contain mutilated bodies strung up by their feet. The dwarves have all had their throats viciously slashed. A section of the village to the north has been walled off. ˘You surround the massive beast. It snatches up an unconscious dwarf clothed in fine robes and thrusts a knotted fist into the dwarf's abdomen. With a crazed howl of fury, the enraged creature rips out the stomach and dashes the body to the ground. nThe wave of bodies has become a crushing mass of dead flesh. You brace yourself for another incoming attack. ≈A dwarf priestess from the Doomsayer's overthrown cult stumbles into the hut. She is bleeding badly. Both of her arms have been broken. Unable to heal herself, she begs you to help her. Do you? ¯You bandage her wounds and set her broken arms. You dare not spare any magic to heal her. In this dangerous place, you'll need every bit of magic to survive. She thanks you and confesses, "I now realize that all these years our sect was wrong." ÚFor years, we fought to bring about the end of the world. Our efforts have incited violent destruction. We were irresponsible and foolish. With little forethought, we summoned a beast from the nether reaches to aid us in our evil purposes. ˙We soon discovered that the beast was fixated on total annihilation and was much too powerful for us to control. Now we must pay for our foolish ways with pain and suffering. We should have listened to Mastuk. He begged us to return to the light." ˙The priestess breaks into hysterical sobs. She flees out into the vile darkness before you can stop her. She must know that with two broken arms, she will not last long in the underworld. You have witnessed the Doomsayer's cult disastrous downfall. ˜A massive troll-like creature clutches a frightened dwarf high up in the air. He painfully twists the dwarf's arms while questioning him ruthlessly. Unable to give the beast what he wants, the dwarf screams shrilly. The beast rips his arms off. ÁSeveral bloody, dismembered dwarves already lie at the beast's feet. The manic creature has murdered them all and still failed to find what he was searching for. Seething with rage, it heads off to the north at an alarming pace. ˛A colony of giant ants. A group of young queen ants have just been born. They are leaving to strike out on their own. Soon, they will establish brand new, thriving colonies. To build strength for their journeys, they willingly stop for a bite to eat. ÚYou soon come across the ants' nest. One large queen ant busily produces an ongoing flow of eggs. Scores of worker and warrior ants scurry around her fulfilling their required tasks. You slay two guards standing watch at the nest's mouth. 8Do you wish to enter the main nest? OR Do you retreat? 0Warrior and worker ants rush to defend the nest. ‰More ants rush to defend the nest. You have successfully slain many of the warrior ants already. Most of these reinforcements are worker ants. Compared to the powerful warriors, they are not as strong or as skilled in combat. ]You forcefully battle your way through until only a few ants stand between you and the queen. ëIce Titans are engaged in combat against evil folk from the Abyss's frozen region. Do you enter the battle to reinforce the Ice Titans' efforts? ·A massive force of frost giants and snow yeti are entrenched along the stone structure. You could never hope to defeat them all. Do you wish to wait and see if conditions improve to your advantage? OR Do you attack now? ˝You patrol the area robbing and finishing off the wounded. Giants close their eyes and pray to some unholy god as you put them to the knife. You would prefer a fair fight and constantly remind yourself that the Realmz and the Abyss will be better off. ÓYou wait several hours. Finally, the portal of the structure opens. An immense, alien beast fills the doorway with its massive bulk. You size up the new foe in disbelief. In comparison, the yeti and frost giants appear insignificant. ˘The beast thunders out a speech in an unknown tongue. His gestures chop the air. His followers roar in response. Tension and excitement build to a crescendo when a sudden flash of blue flame rips through the sky and forms a whirling disk of mist. ˙A brilliant beam of golden light bolts from the whirling vortex. The light beam strikes the ground near the stone structure. Ice titans pour out of it. With battle cries on their lips, they strike a brazen attack on the astonished giants and yeti. Colliding head-on with the yeti and giants, the titans' goal is to reach and destroy their leader, the massive beast at the portal. Titan clerics ensure that the whirling vortex remains open so that more titans can transport to this area. ëAs the two opposing forces clash, the massive beast raises his mighty staff. He casts a spell of summoning to aid the giants and yeti in battle. ◊The titan clerics finish holding the vortex portal open. They hastily move to engage in battle, for they are greatly needed. Moments later, creatures begin to materialize as reinforcements for the yeti and giants. ÎThe beast, the target of the titan attack, withdraws within the stone structure. Someone reopens the sky portal. More ice titans arrive to bolster the ranks against the opponents' reinforcements. You talk with the cleric in charge. Â"We hoped to catch the leader in the open. We should have known it would not leave the safety of the bastion. It may be necessary to venture inside. Unfortunately, its power is greatly enhanced within the structure's confines. At the same time, our power would diminish once we had entered the hellish abode. Our current force is imperceptibly losing ground. The opponents have the advantage in terms of number. It's highly unlikely that we'll be able to break in. ÔYou ponder the situation carefully but are unable to determine a way of entering. Despondent, the ice titan bids you farewell. "This endeavor has proven fruitless. We must return immediately to our homeland, for it is under heavy siege. ”If we had obtained the stones of Loathing and Disgust, we could have entered and pursued our foe. Alas, it is not meant to be. Fare-thee-well." The clerics open the portal, and the titans return to the Abyss. ¸You reveal the stones of Loathing and Disgust. The titan's eyes widen in anticipation. "The keys to gain entry! We shall seek out their evil leader and slay him this very day! It will be a difficult task. Stealth, rather than force, will win the day. ≈My name is Galanity. I have pledged to to destroy this foe and will sacrifice my life, if necessary. It is a cause well worth dying for. Will you aid me in my attempt to eradicate the bastion?" ˙"Good! We need firm, steadfast allies unwilling to shirk away from the face of danger. Due to your small stature, you all may come. Because we are of normal size and easier to detect, I shall limit my party to myself and my best warrior Brimhune. ZLet us use the stones to enter the portal. Together, we will hunt down our common enemy." ˆThe heavy door opens. The ruthless beast in command of this bastion must have nearly tore it from its hinges. The resistance from the ice titans was totally unexpected. This unforeseen development must have been a hindrance to his vile plans. ¸Galanity pauses when he sees the symbol on the door. "I have seen this before. It is one of the great seals of the Hemerood, an ancient race. It was believed that they were extinct. In over fifty millennia, no Hemerood have been encountered. If... îthe leader of this foul place proves to be a Hemerood, we shall be hard-pressed to achieve victory. They were said to be almost god-like in power." ºBrimhune stops abruptly. "Hold your ground! I recognize that stench. It smells of the sea. Giant crabs may be close by. I would urge caution, if we are to continue in this direction." ÌGiant crabs scuttle about the murky, cavernous room. Filthy heaps of garbage sit in fetid pools of water. The crustaceans work steadily. Using their powerful pincers, they cut the trash into tiny pieces and consume the foul portions. ˘As your eyes become more accustomed to the lighting, you realize that the garbage actually consists of creatures' bodies - orcs, trolls, goblins and some snow yetis. You care little for the ill fate of these creatures and decide to move on when... ˘you spot two decapitated ice titans. Fire crabs feed hungrily upon their bodies. Brimhune and Galanity become incensed by the desecration. They're greatly upset that the bodies haven't undergone important burial rituals. Do you attack the crabs? ìRummaging about the offal of this place takes its toll. Party members that fail to save vs. constitution become infected with a transient disease. ¯The mortar gives way. Blocks of stone begin to tumble. The entire wall section collapses. A small humanoid skeleton with four arms and three inch fangs had been chained and imprisoned behind the wall. A jeweled dagger is lodged in its rib cage. ÑA chill wind whistles through a small crack at the bottom of the door. The grunts and groans of snow yeti can be heard from beyond. ÊA dreadful pall envelops the party. Visions of desperate struggles and long, agonizing deaths torment your minds. You are aware that evil sacrifices once took place in this room. The ghosts of the murdered still haunt the area. √Several bloody instruments are laid out along a short, broad table. For creatures of your small stature, the instruments could be considered as full size and effectively used as assault weapons. uA column of swirling light occupies the center of the room. You are almost certain that it is a portal to the Abyss. √Galanity analyzes the portal. "It is similar to the portal we created to come to the Realmz. However, the make of it is much more crude. I would not place much trust in this particular device. ÌWithin this bastion, I no longer have the power to summon one of my own portals. Even if we withdrew, you should know that a titan portal lacks the ability to transport your kind to the Abyss. This portal may offer you that opportunity. You alone must decide if you're willing to risk utilizing this device. Unlike our portal, this one appears permanent. Once inside, a word of command is normally required for activation. We do not know what command word this portal uses." ÚThe world outside the portal begins to sway and blur. You fight to retain consciousness, while your body is disassembled at the cosmic level. Days seem to pass by. In reality, you are suspended in limbo only a few seconds. Your body is... ⁄reassembled. You have materialized somewhere in the Abyss. A strong odor of sulfur assaults your nostrils. Although the room appears the same, you feel stiff and cold. Your shadows loom grotesquely along the walls. µreassembled once again. You are relieved to find yourself back in the Realmz. Just to reassure yourself, you breathe deeply and flex your muscles. Everything seems to be working! ÊAn earsplitting crack and the floor gives way. You lose your footing and wave your arms wildly about. From below, the deadly glint of sharp spikes catches your eye. Those that fail to save vs. dexterity fall in and take damage. ˚This prestigious chamber appears to be the Hemerood's living quarters. Someone gutted the place in a hurry. Everything lies in disarray. Drawers hang half open, and various personal items strew the floor. Your foe must have returned to the Abyss. Galanity is not pleased by this turn of events. "This bodes ill for us. We may already be too late. If the Hemerood has returned to the Abyss, it may be next to impossible to track the beast down. We must find a way to the Abyss at once. ˚I shall attempt to divine our next course of action. Our clues are few and our need is great." Galanity separates from the group, closes his eyes, and sinks into a deep trance. Softly murmuring an ancient tongue, he prays to his deity for guidance. ˘Moments later, Galanity opens his eyes. His facial expression indicates annoyance. "My deity has answered me in the form of some riddle. If our beloved Selvion only knew how much I detest riddles! Perhaps, he does know and relishes my discomfort. ’Here lies the riddle: 'Shastik controls the flow. Once through, there is no return. Shastik is a singled-minded fool and never planned ahead.'" Galanity frowns in frustration. "I have no idea what it means." ÒAncient runes are engraved upon the dagger's silver hilt. You pull the dagger from the rib cage. In the process, you dislodge a bone. It hits the ground with a clatter. You gaze down and notice a small copper disk embedded in the floor. ŸThe ancient disk is worn and corroded. Time's passage has effectively blotted out the central icon. Obscure writing appears below the faded icon. Although the writing is still legible, the markings are meaningless. ˜As you study the disk, the writing appears to fluctuate and realign itself. You blink a few times to regain control of your blurred vision. The disk's writing has transformed. You can now read the word, "Shastik". You puzzle over its meaning. ˇA provisions' storage room. Intending to partake of food and drink, you pry open a few boxes and feel nauseous. Nothing has been done in the way of preservation. The stench of rancid, rotting food hits you full force. You hastily slam the lids back on.iYou discover racks upon racks of unused spears and shields. They are covered by a thick coating of dust. cYou discover racks upon racks of helms and gauntlets. They are covered by a thick coating of dust. àThe room is jammed with piled crates and shelving. Oil flasks, torches, and miscellaneous day-to-day items clutter every inch of space. ÏA huge pit dominates the room. Tendrils of steam drift up from deep within its inner recesses. You peer into the darkness. Sweat drips down your face. You dislodge a stone and listen intently. There's no sound of it hitting bottom. ÊYou descend quickly. The wind rushes through your hair. You tumble down past endless configurations of red rock, cracks, and dark, gaping fissures. What creatures vigilantly observe your descent from their dark, secret lairs? œEighty feet below the surface, a large tunnel shoots off to the side. You see it well ahead of time and manage to maneuver your way in. Immediately, provisions are made to lower the rest of the party down. ÈYou reassemble in the large tunnel. Its smooth rock floor slopes downward. The unnatural smoothness of the ground suggests that this may be a commonly used pathway. You travel but a short way when a cavern branches off the tunnel. "A great quake sealed us within this cavern. Before it occurred, we were plagued and tormented relentlessly by our enemies. We are grateful that this is no longer so. However, we remain discontent. We long for a way back to the Realmz." ÅYou exit the bastion with little difficulty. In the Abyss, the deadstones may be considered as an unnecessary defensive measure. ≥The bastion's entrance has been left unguarded. The eerie fortification looks run-down and abandoned. You are greeted with a vile stench - a gift from those who reside within. IThis tunnel travels upward towards the surface. Do you wish to continue? ÔThis bastion is guarded by a sect of female giants. They possess a provocative allure that fascinates and entrances those they encounter. One can easily become enchanted enough to carry out their wishes with little thought of resistance. WYour approach does not alarm them. They sense instinctively that you are not a threat. πYou stand spellbound and immobile. A dark-haired giant leisurely approaches and greets you in an unusual derivative of common. "Greetings. I am Opal Silverbird, Captain of the Watch. ’How is it that you come to this troubled land?" She gazes into your eyes. Without pausing to think, you simply blurt out the truth. The possibility of lying or evading the question doesn't even cross your mind. ≤You reveal that your quest is to prevent the Abyss and the Realmz from merging. "Come with me. Queen Meleneese will wish to speak with you." Do you go with Captain Silverbird? ¸"Very well. I bid you good day. Good luck be with you on your journey." You wrench your gaze away and try to regain your composure. What is it? The scent, the smile, the eyes, the voice... It's everything altogether. You should definitely leave. ¯You follow the captain into the citadel. You see numerous giants as you walk through the hallway and pass by open doorways. You gasp. The same five or six faces are being repeated over and over again. There are hundreds, and they're all female. „Opal notices your astonishment and responds to the question uppermost on your minds. "Yes, we are duplicates. If you knew our sad story, you would understand why. Countless ages ago, when the Realmz and the Abyss were one... our race was numerous. At the time of the cataclysm, most of our race remained in the Realmz. Later, our clerics divined that our race in the Realmz had suffered extinction. Infected by a horrible plague, they were never able to recover. ØThe small group of us trapped in the Abyss also almost suffered extinction. We gradually dwindled down in number as we desperately searched for a way to return to the Realmz. ¥For centuries, we fought to defend ourselves against the evil that populates this foul region. Two score and seven centuries ago, a great war broke out between two powerful races. ÛAlthough we were not a direct target of either race, we were drawn into the carnage against our will. Our men were captured by both sides and forced to submit to hard labor or serve on the battlefield. In the end, only the women were left. ‚To save ourselves, we became trained in the arts of war and magic. The weaker of the two warring factions foolishly succumbed to our mixture of deadly charm. We drove them out of this great citadel and took possession of it. €With their enemy vanquished, the remaining evil race turned on us. We defended this citadel for many years while our numbers continued to dwindle dramatically. Finally, we discovered a method of duplicating ourselves. ∂The strongest and wisest were chosen to be duplicated. We were determined to do whatever we could to preserve our culture. The duplicator insurges our bodies with a magical energy. ÙThis energy influx allows us to live many times our normal life span. Only a total of 2,323 of us can exist at any one time. I don't know why this is so. The magic has definite limitations. If any one of us dies or falls in battle we can... immediately duplicate another as a replacement. Over the centuries, our foes have grown weary of fighting and dying. It confounds them that our strength never seems to waver. I mustn't detain you. You should speak with Queen Meleneese." ¯You enter Queen Meleneese's chamber. She and Opal could be identical twins. While Opal sports polished armor, the queen is dressed in an elegant, royal blue gown. The color is a startling complement to her bewitching, sapphire eyes. "Welcome... ÌA messenger informed me of your arrival. I hope you find our citadel hospitable." Captain Silverbird informs the queen what she has told you of their history. The queen responds, "Captain Silverbird has not revealed the entire story." ÏYou nearly catch up to the beast. It reaches into a satchel and drops a trio of small objects to the ground. Within seconds, three small statues swell to an alarming size. Once they attain their full potential, they become animated. lto harvest our mushrooms and live in peace as we search for a way to return to the Realmz." What do you do? ˛This is remarkable news! All these years, a means of escape right at our fingertips! We must invade the bastion and gain control of the portal!" Lost amid plans and strategies, the queen's eyes stare into the future. She almost forgets your presence. ˙She begins to call out orders. They will immediately launch a full-scale assault. You marvel at the Crimson Giants' efficiency. They have obviously prepared for battle many times before. "Good folk, please accept my gratitude for your knowledge. ÀI wish I could bequeath gems as your reward, but there are few to be had. They are a required component of the magical device we use to duplicate ourselves. Please accept these magical items, instead. äStay as long as you wish. We welcome the chance to extend our hospitality." You thank the queen for her generosity and take your leave. ˚"I thank you for your generous offer. Please, make yourselves at home. Feel free to explore the citadel. We have been unable to use many sections. They were not built to accommodate our stature. These areas may prove to be of particular interest. Õ"Opal shall travel with you. You will show her the location of the portal. She is skilled in both blade and magic. In the meantime, we will prepare our attack against the vermin inhabiting the bastion." «You travel through the cave back to the pit. The climb up to the bastion takes much longer, and there are some tense moments. Luckily, you all take precautions and the safety equipment is reliable. ÛYou show Opal the portal. She studies it speculatively. "How does this device function? Are you transported to the Realmz just by stepping inside?" Feeling foolish, it dawns on you that you're not sure how to activate it on the Abyss side. ÂOpal attempts to hide her anger and disappointment. "Without the word of activation, it is all but worthless. Someone in this hellish bastion must know the command. I dare not return to the queen without this vital knowledge." ÓFeeling responsible, you reluctantly agree to help Opal. She is determined to discover the word of activation. You resume your search for the Hemerood with little enthusiasm. At least, Opal will add considerable strength to your party. ˘Demonic creatures hang out in this immense, drafty chamber. At the moment, the cannibalistic creatures feed on the carcass of a lesser demon. They take flight at your approach and start to swoop down. One after another attacks with deadly intent. üWinged demons are chained along the wall. You just witnessed the cendook demons voraciously devouring one of these ill-fated creatures. Do you set them free? pThey burst free of their chains and flood through the door. A chaotic, black cloud of wings flees eastward. ˆFlapping wings, piercing shrieks, and clawing arms convulse the room. Superior in strength, the cendook demons slaughter and rip apart their winged demon cousins. Bent on devouring and destroying, only a scant few notice you amid the commotion. ’Your eyes engage in a silent duel with the beast in the far corner. Twenty-four feet at the shoulder, it's four or five feet taller than any titan. Do you rush the Hemerood? OR Do you exit the room quickly? ‚The slain Hemerood's body suddenly springs back to life. Before you can recover from the shock, the Hemerood reaches into a concealed pouch and whips out a statue. It is similar to what was used to summon the frost dragons. ƒA large cavern. In the distance, arguing voices can be heard. Small snatches of conversation lead you to believe that it may be a group of Doomsayer dwarves. A small squad of dwarves passes by. ÓAround his neck, the Hemerood wears a leather necklace. A copper disk bearing ancient unidentifiable runes hangs from the leather cord. You attempt to remove the disk from the Hemerood's body. A mystic force prevents you from doing so. ÆThe runes begin to squirm and realign themselves. The word "Vistock" is now clearly legible on one side. You turn the disk over. The word "Shastik" appears on the reverse. What do you want to do? 3You stand before a magical portal. What do you do? úYou discover a stash of magical items. Your original excitement diminishes as you sort through the stash. Only one item appears to be of any real value. ∏Due to a massive cave-in, the tunnel dead ends here. Tiny skeletal hands and feet jut out from the rubble of thousands of tons of rock. The poor creatures met with a disastrous end. JThis tunnel extends for as far as you can see. It slopes gently downward. ÅA parade of hobgoblins marches by. Under protective guard, the tribal chief travels with the group. Do you wish to attack them? ¥One of the shaman carries a pouch. A small statue is hidden inside. An item of such powerful magic would be beyond the capabilities of a shaman. You suspect that it was stolen. ¢The passage continues to descend deeper and deeper. Gradually, the light increases as you emerge into a rocky and barren wastland. You can see no signs of life. The passage begins a slow ascent to the surface. A soft, green glow appears along the cavern walls. You reach out and brush against a cool, cushioned carpet of tiny plants. It is lichen. The glow is just enough to guide your footsteps. BA group of hobgoblins march on ahead. Do you wish to attack them? bCarrion worms feed upon the scattered, dead bodies of dwarf warriors. Do you wish to attack them? ˆThe grotesque, deformed body of a dwarf is being ravaged by a carrion worm. The dwarf must have suffered from the wasting disease. The putrid odor of decomposition permeates the cavern. Your last meal tries to wend its way back up your throat. íFrom just up ahead, you hear quick shuffling movements punctuated by bellows and howls. Do you attempt to hide? OR Do you stand your ground? ÃYou're in the path of a stampeding carrion worm. The bloated body of a dead dwarf is clutched within its jaws. Determined to steal the ripe meat, several larger carrion worms fervently pursue the first. XThe huge animals do not slow down. You suffer great damage as they bowl right over you. πYou encounter an endless wasteland of dead dwarves. All succumbed to the wasting disease. The trek back to the city must have been a waking nightmare for those that lived long enough. ∏A large hole leads down into a dark, damp cave system. This is where the dwarves must have originally encountered the vile creatures that spread this horrendous plague. Do you enter? ¢This gate is heavily guarded by enslaved vracks. Failure to hold the gate is punishable by death. Their master will make certain that it is a long, painful one. _Led by their spidtaur master, a pack of vrack slaves patrols the grounds. Do you attack them? ¸You stumble upon an area of vrack breeding pits. A pit lies just ahead of you. The shrill caterwauling and screeching is enough to drive anyone away. It sounds like several vracks are engaged in an intense catfight. Do you launch a surprise attack? »A wall of stalagmites extends up to the ceiling. Glowing webs hang between the stone spikes. Together, the webs and stalagmites form an opaque wall. Soft humming can be heard from the other side. VYou approach the webbed wall. Do you want to try and force your way through the webs? ˜You force your way through by diving directly into the web wall. The sticky webs cling to your arms and legs. As you wrestle with the thick substance, you become more ensnared. An icy numbness begins to pervade your body. You try not to panic. ËYou refuse to give up your desperate struggle. Finally, you manage to break through. Tired and relieved, you fumble with the sticky filaments clinging to your clothing. Giant spiders swoop down! Their weight almost crushes you. gYour clever use of magic allows you to pass through the eerie wall while avoiding its sticky filaments. ÿA second wall of stalagmites. The web strands are strung loose and wide. You could easily pass through without touching the gummy filaments. A cave entrance lies on the other side. You feel compelled to approach. As you draw near the cave opening, the strong attraction fades away. A raucous cackling breaks the silence. From a hidden crevasse, a voice screeches out to you in common. "Fools! So easily baited." ˙You locate a secret chamber. Imitation rock was cleverly molded to conceal the entrance. It fails to deceive your keen eye. You step inside. A winged creature bends over a pot and avidly stirs a boiling mixture. Small vials crowd a table nearby. ΩYour entrance catches the creature off guard. "So! You have managed to defeat all my guards. Too bad! If you had left them alive, I could have properly punished them for their failure." ‡You identify the winged creature as the one described to you by the dwarves. This perverse instigator spread the wasting disease far and wide. Hundreds have suffered horribly. You warily eye the collection of small vials. zYour fumblings have sent extensive vibrations coursing throughout the wall. The makers of the wall arrive to investigate. ?You have become entangled in the webs. What do you want to do? XYou thrash wildly about. The sticky webs begin to sting and burn through your clothing. ‰"How unfortunate! A dwarf travels among your party, and I happen to detest the dwarven race. Alas! We could have been allies if not for that one unforgivable flaw!" The creature grabs a small vial and hurls it at your feet. ˆAn olive green cloud envelops the party. You stiffen with tension and try not to inhale the fumes. It's no use, you must breathe. After a few moments, your party stares at each other in surprise. The wasting disease must only affect dwarves. ˚"Fortunately, there are no dwarves among you. I despise that revolting race. In fact, I am in the midst of brewing a special concoction for a group of dwarves that live not far from here. Perhaps, I can convince you to deliver this little surprise. nI would make it well worth your while." Do you agree to carry a batch of vials and annihilate the dwarf camp? ∑"Then you are of no use to me. Your failure to cooperate leaves me with no alternative. You must perish." The beast snaps its clawed fingers, and the contents of the room vanish. ˛The creature hands you a sack of vials and a map showing the dwarves' location. "Penetrate the perimeter and smash the vials throughout the area. Destroy these hideous creatures! Take delight in the knowledge that we've made the world a better place!" bWith vials and map in hand, you head east to find the dwarves you've been commissioned to destroy. ˚"I thoroughly enjoyed watching your worthless dwarf companions die. I only wish the spectacle could have lasted longer. Now, you shall join them." Shooting you a look of foul hatred, the creature's menacing wings spread wide. It springs upon you. †The style of dress is noticeably different from that of other Doomsayers you have encountered. Perhaps, this clan of dwarves is not affiliated with the others. ıYou smash the vials. A virulent cloud surges into the air. Dwarves choke, falter, and collapse. Strangled, garbled cries mingle with screams of alarm. Some panic and try to run. Most succumb immediately and violently to the wasting disease. 5A squad of Doomsayers. They launch a zealous attack. Dwarves pack this small cave. They have come here to escape the spread of the disease. A strong, fresh wind blows from the back of the cave. At the moment, the air remains free of the deadly virus. ‹You have doomed the entire clan to death. Eventually, they will have to leave this cavern in search of food, and they will die within moments. The frenzied group charges. Before they die, they will have their revenge. ÖSeveral dwarves that previously held back from attacking are moved by the bravery of their comrades. They attempt to finish the job. ˚You search the cave. Several dwarves have been laid out with their throats cut and symbols painted on their foreheads. The dwarves clearly believed that they could rid themselves of the deadly plague by ritually sacrificing some of their own kind. ÔHaving exterminated the dwarves, you eagerly return to the winged creature to collect your just reward. Hunched over its kettle, it creates even more vials of the noxious disease. You inform the creature that your mission was successful. –"Excellent! I admit that I had always believed your kind to be rather squeamish. Apparently, I was mistaken. Some surface dwellers still have the courage to do what needs to be done. Now, for your reward! ÓWhile you were away, I did some scrying. I know of your quest to prevent the joining of the Realmz and the Abyss. Consumed by my passionate desire to exterminate the horrid dwarf race, I was entirely unaware of this approaching upheaval. ÈIn the Abyss, I am powerful. If the Realmz and Abyss were to merge, I could be destroyed. Forced to deal with various daemons and demons, my power would be severely undermined. The Realmz and the Abyss must not be joined together! ïI believe that you seek a way to the Abyss. If this is true, I shall give you something worth more than any treasure. I shall give you good advice! ÿIf you seek a way to the nether region, these maps will show you how to get there and back again. In addition, please accept this small gift as a token of my appreciation. When used correctly, it is very powerful. ≥This cane is highly treasured. It can be used to revive the dead. Keep it safe and close by at all times. Many would attempt to rob you, if they knew it was in your possession. ÛMany twisted, burnt trees surround a tiny cottage. The home radiates a strong aura of peace. A sweet voice drifts through one of the small, round windows dotting the walls. The voice is humming a catchy, pleasant melody. You peek inside... ÕA beautiful woman arranges a bouquet of blood red roses in a vase. She is clothed in white silk. You wonder why such a lovely woman lives on an island in such a remote, dangerous location. Do you knock? nThe woman answers the door with a welcoming smile. She invites you to enter her humble home. What do you do? bShe bids you farewell. She hopes that you can visit her some other time when you are not so busy. ¥You rush the woman. Before she can react, you slay her and reduce the body to a bloody, lifeless corpse. You search her home for evil possessions or evidence of vile activities. }You discover a small stash of potions. Along with a few other items, these may have some value. You find no traces of evil. ü"Please, good people! I am a peaceful person. Weapons are not necessary here. I refuse to tolerate them in my home." Do you leave your weapons at the door? ¯"I will not be ignored in my own home!" Her anger rises when you refuse her request. With growing suspicion, you scrutinize the place uneasily. Her voice continues to escalate, and her behavior is irrational. Numerous, heavy footsteps approach. ”The cottage door is ripped apart from its hinges. You stare through the gaping hole. Aside from the large trees surrounding the cottage, no one is out there. You gasp in astonishment. The trees are moving! ÎBranches reach in through the doorway. Their wooden embrace cuts off any possible escape route. The roof of the house lifts up like the lid off a cooking pot. Huge branches reach down from above and remove you bodily from the house. ©"Thank you for respecting my feelings. I truly hate weapons, especially those made of metal. You are probably wondering why I live here all alone. It is a long story. ¬I am a dryad. There are very few of us. I doubt if you've ever encountered one of my kind. Even though I have lived for nearly five hundred years, I have only met three others of my own race. ÒLong ago, I led a happy life on the surface. I lived peacefully for hundreds of years. One day a tribe of refugees settled in the woods that I cared for. These wood elves had been forced to leave their homeland due to a bloody, civil war. ÛI have a tendency to dislike elves, especially the egotistical wood elves. They think that they can communicate with the trees. However, the trees have no great love for them. I know, for I talk with the trees regularly. We are very close. ˚For many years, the elves lived peacefully within my domain. One day, tragedy struck. An untended cooking fire from the elves' village caused the woods to burst into flame. It had been an extremely dry season. Nearly half my domain was destroyed. ıI saved what I could by summoning a rainstorm and quenching the fire. In thoughtless fury, I deliberately and wrongfully used my powers of persuasion and friendship. I urged the burnt, mangled trees to retaliate and destroy the elves' village. ¸When I calmed down, I was horrified by what I had done. I banished myself to this lonely, evil island. I couldn't risk losing control and inflicting such devastating harm ever again. Some of the trees that helped destroy the elves live here with me. ˇThey also struggle with the guilt of their hasty, violent retaliation. Living on this miserable island for nearly two hundred years has forced me to become familiar with its evil inhabitants. A clan of evil dwarves lies just east of here. To the west...˚live horrid mutants. They're half spider and half elf. I would destroy them all, especially the perverted elf creatures. However, my guilt keeps me in check. I strive to live a lonely life of peace. I bother no one, and no one dares to bother me. ¯You are good folk. It would please me if you would accept these gifts. I created them many years ago. It was my small effort to heal the elves that had survived my rage. Unfortunately, the few survivors were very bitter. Most refused my help. ˘In your possession, they may be put to good use. If you eventually intend to return to the surface world, I would like to come with you. I have endured this malevolent place long enough. I wish to return home." Do you accept her into the group? ˇShe smiles. "Allow me a few moments to bid farewell to my friends." The dryad walks outside and converses with the large, burnt trees. Their branches tremble and bend down in sorrow. One might think they were actually weeping. Eventually, she returns.∞Before the powerful summoning magic has a chance to be invoked, you strike a deadly blow. The inanimate statue crashes to the floor. It's definitely a treasure worth keeping. €Giants congregate in a large group just south of you. Laughing and joking uproariously, they hover over a poor creature staked to the ground. The pitiful shrieks of a winged demon pierce the air over and over again. ıCaught up in their torturous play, the giants fail to notice your approach. The flapping of hundreds of tiny wings from above halts your progress. You gaze upward. A swarm of winged demons fly overhead. They head directly towards the giants. ıThe small demons descend upon the giants. The giants seize and bash them to the ground. You quickly lose sight of the large brutes as they become enveloped in an immense cloud of small, flapping bodies. Some larger demons arrive on the scene. ÔThe larger demons direct the smaller demons' attack. Their losses are numerous. Small bodies blanket the ground. The giants gradually yield to defeat due to the opposing force's sheer size. The demons descend to rest their weary wings. qDo you wait patiently to see if they will leave? OR Do you march forth to speak with the winged demon's leader? ¿At your approach, the driven demon leaders whip up their weary troops into a crazed frenzy. They are only interested in attacking. Discussion or negotiation is obviously out of the question. €You stand with ichor-stained weapons. Overhead, the remaining demons circle and prepare to launch another attack. Deep bellows of fury beat the air. A group of giants on patrol has just discovered their dead comrades. ØDetermined to take revenge, the giants charge wildly towards the group of demons. You have gained an unexpected ally. The demons are now forced to engage the giants as well. œThe leader of the giant patrol summons you to his side. He is thankful for your help in avenging his fallen comrades. "Friends, I am called Teltnuag. I am but a minor captain in his majesty's royal guard. ÁThank you for apparently aiding our fallen comrades. Our common enemy, the winged demons, can be most persistent. They always attack in hordes. You managed to hold your ground. Come visit our city so we may thank you properly." ˘You travel southeast. Finally, you arrive at the iron gates to a massive, heavily populated city. It bustles with giants representing a wide variety of trades. Armed soldiers patrol the walls. Razor sharp wires have been strung along tall poles. ’The wires probably defend against air assaults conducted by the giants' winged enemies. Many small towers about the city hold loaded ballista. They are ready to repel any enemy lucky enough to survive the wires. ˇYour new friend points out various places of interest as you make your way to the palace. The magnificent structure is nestled in a corner of the city. You soon find yourselves standing before the king. Once a mighty warrior, he is now old and feeble.Â"Friends, Teltnuag has related the tale of your brave attempt to save some of our warriors. Feel free to roam the city. You are welcome here, now and always. Word has been sent out that you are to be given anything you desire. ¡Enjoy our taverns, shops and inns. I shall foot your bills during your stay here. I only wish I could offer you more. Teltnuag will act as your guide. Do not be afraid to ask him for help." ÛJust northwest of here, you can locate the place where you first encountered the demons attacking the giants. Teltnuag mentioned that these accursed winged demons actually hail from the southwest of here. The area is a stinking breeding pit. ÷You head west and shortly arrive in the winged demons' territory. Teltnuag's description was fairly accurate. Smoking pits have been built near many of the caverns. The remains of dead bodies cover the ground. ˚Most of the remains are demon. There are hundreds of them. Other bones representing nether world beings of various demonic descent lie scattered here and there. You examine some of the bodies. Clearly, they did not die in combat. They were eaten. ©In the middle of the cave, two winged demons slowly turn a huge spit over a glowing bed of coals. The well-done, roasting carcass is one of their winged demon brothers. ¸Barbaric cannibalism! The Abyss knows no bounds when it comes to fear, distrust, and ruthlessness. Atop a throne carved from a stalagmite, a large beast sits surrounded by others of its kind. The rest are much shorter, averaging about ten feet high. ‰Wisps of smoke trail from its flared nostrils as the beast leans forward. It rumbles in a deep voice, "It has been many thousands of years since I have come across your kind! I foresee a delicious feast of tender delicacies!" ıThe demons are allowed only a brief rest before their masters herd them southeast. They quickly become mere dots in the sky. In a wink, they disappear completely. You perform a quick search of the dead bodies but discover nothing of interest. EI had always believed that your kind dwelled only within the Realmz." ˚"Most interesting! I am already aware of the events which you attempt to prevent. Not too long ago, I battled with a wizard from the Realmz and deliberately broke off the mental engagement. I wanted the weak-minded human to believe that he had won. ÀThe fool! He had a puny mind! I could have squashed it like a bug. Instead, I let the fool believe he had won. During his feeble attempt at battle, I probed his mind and learned all about your plans. ˘Frankly, I didn't expect you to live long enough to make it this far. However, it's thoughtful of you to come here directly. When torturing you finally turns out to be more boredom than pleasure, I'll suck the marrow from your sweet, tender bones. ûIn a flash, the beast leaps for the cave's ceiling. A sudden outburst of lavender flames envelop you. You choke down a panic attack. It is only fairy fire. 7The beast calls forth his demon minions. "Seize them!" ¯Patience is not a word in the beast's vocabulary. "Puny, impudent mortals! I preferred to capture you alive. A nice, slow torture can be most entertaining. However, my hand is forced. Your difficult behavior demands immediate, painful death." ‘Bolting for a large iron door set deep within the cavern wall, the beast pulls a heavy iron pin out of its latch. The door explodes open. You stare into the grinning face of a Hells Assassin. Things look grim. ©With Lord Hecubus destroyed, the remaining demonic scum scatter to the dark crags and pits. None are willing to take on a foe capable of banishing the likes of Hecubus. ˆYou investigate Lord Hecubus's throne. When you press in on a subtle indentation, a small compartment slides open. A thin scroll and several rings lay within. You unfold the scroll. It's a map that pinpoints a location not too far from here. „You follow the map's directions and shortly reach the pinpointed location. A small skeletal hand juts out from some loose rocks. You unearth a small body. At first, you thought the skeleton was that of a small child, but... ·the creature has two small horns. The bone structure reveals that it once had wings. The dead creature clutches two small books underneath its right arm. The books are tightly bound together with a withered, leather strap. ’You enter a mead garden. A few patrons lounge about downing large mugs of mead. You order a single mug and gather around the table to share it. It is nearly the size of a barrel and has a strong mushroom taste. ˙A drunk stumbles over to your table, bends down, and belches in your face. "Sorry 'bout dat'. I jus' finish...shshsh'd a 'ole plate o' bosk cakes. M'name's Tivrish. Perhaps, you be needin' a guide in these parts." Do you want Tivrish as a guide? ÓA small, well-kept shop. The shopkeeper has been informed to give you anything you want. The king will pay for it. He encourages you to take as much as you can carry. Unfortunately, most of the weapons and equipment are far too large. ŒDisappointed by his failure to make a good sale, the shopkeeper urges you into the shop's back room. "Wait, friends! Perhaps, these items may be of value to you. You're not required to wear these goods." ˘Two old, pale warriors guard the western wall. They look like living cadavers. Their enthusiasm for a game of bones reveals that they actually have a spark of life left in them. The mangled corpes of six winged demons lay piled on a nearby table. „"We just peeled those nasty creatures from the wire fences this morning. Lately, they've been testing the wires' defenses. Nearly two years went by without a single kill. Now we're getting nearly a dozen a day. Crazy beasts! ÊYou'd think they would tire of cutting themselves to shreds. They are busy brewing evil to the east. No one gives credence to our suspicions, but we firmly believe they plan to attack. Hmph! Nobody listens to the old any more. πI have more experience with a blade than the entire officer corps combined. The young never show proper respect towards their elders. They should study history and avoid our mistakes. ÏYou see these poles and wires surrounding the town? We didn't always use those. At one time, we stabled hundreds of griffins to guard against an air attack. I miss them greatly. They're magnificent creatures - handsome and powerful. Years ago, we sent out our entire force of griffins to counterattack an opposing force of winged demons. When the demon hordes began to retreat, the griffins pursued them. None of them ever returned. ˙In fact, we never found so much as a trace. Now, we rely on the wires to keep these flying vermin at bay. They seldom attack the city at ground level. We have the advantage. If you should ever discover what happened to our griffins, let us know." DThe king listens with great interest as you recount your adventures. ˙You inform the king of your success in freeing the griffins from their icy jail. The king shouts for runners. They're to instruct the royal engineers to remove the makeshift fence. "Our griffins are free! Tear down these infernal poles and wires! ˘We will guard our skies like true warriors. Those worthless demons will have a big surprise the next time they muster an attack." You sit next to the king feasting and talking for hours about your travels. The king eagerly listens to every word. ÍLater that evening, the king speaks with his clergy. He tells them to pray to their god for a divine gift. He would like to present you with something worthy of your great deeds. To your surprise, the clergy's prayers are answered. ıThe king presents the gift at an evening ceremony. "Citizens! Our god Yelvin has blessed us this day with a great gift. Those who stand before you now have returned our griffins to us. They have performed a great service, and we honor them." ˛The festivities last for hours. You thank the king for his kindness and the gift. Noting your exhaustion, the king tells you to retire. You withdraw to your quarters. Although you're tired, this is your first chance to closely examine the divine gift. …Mounted on huge armored lizards, a patrol of rothian giants hails you and waves. Your fame has spread quickly. Even the outrider patrols know who you are. Eager to meet you, the patrol approaches. Ï"Hail, fine heroes! We seldom encounter strangers in our land. It's good to have friends in these times of dreadful strife. Your travels have led you far from the city. I assure you, not much happens out here." He appears troubled. ËThe patrol leader reveals, "We have been searching for our lost griffin army for several years. There is only one place my patrol has not yet checked." He points south at an ominous, jagged fissure. "Many patrols have entered... ªthe fissure. Not one has escaped from it. During the last attempt, we lost forty heavily armed lizard riders. The king refuses to risk any more warriors. We've lost too many, already. ˘If only the king would give the order, my patrol could investigate. I would bet every tarek I possess that the griffins have been imprisoned there. I shouldn't spend too much time in idle chitchat. I must continue patrolling the area. Good day." ÏYou carefully pick your way over the rocky ground and approach the fissure. Sulfurous fumes and steam pour out of the opening. Hot gas spits out an ungodly odor of decay that's worse than crimson dragon breath. You enter the fissure. öYou step into a large underground cavern. The bones of countless giants, lizard mounts, and other large subterranean beasts lay scattered about the area. –You determine that only two or three of the skeletal remains could be griffins. The griffin army may have entered this foul pit, but these remains fail to account for the hundreds of beasts that disappeared. ·You ponder over the yard of bones. What could have caused such devastation? A scream shatters your thoughts. Long blue tentacles coil around one of the rothian giants in your party. The muscular tentacles lift him upward. ÙHuge tentacled predators are lodged in the crags of the ceiling. The half-eaten remains of dozens of rothian giants and other creatures have been stuffed into the ceiling cracks. Long tentacles extend towards you but fall short of their prey. ”The tentacles can reach down to within eighteen feet of the ground. Unfortunately, the rothians are a tall race. They tower over titans. Their stature has made them easy pickings for the gruesome beasts above. ÙThe carcasses of numerous lizard mounts are also wedged into the ceiling cracks. Lizard riders strap themselves to their beasts' saddles when they ride. This practice has caused the mounts to become unwilling partners in their masters' fates. ËIf the griffins had been here, most of them would have landed when this danger became apparent. Standing only six feet at the shoulder, they could have walked through the cave and avoided the tentacles. Where could they have gone? ÛThe rocky ridge to the south was formed by an early landslide. You clear away some of the debris. The opening to a vast tunnel begins to reveal itself behind the rubble. You put your shoulder to the boulder and work to clear a path through. ÌYou enter a large circular building. An immense pump dominates the center. Scores of griffins are chained to long poles, their wings strapped to their bodies. They doggedly circle the pump providing the slave labor needed to power it. ÿThe noisy machine rhythmically chugs up and down. It diligently churns out a sick, red ooze into a nearby trough. Clay pipes transport the ooze from the trough to a western citadel not too far off in the distance. ¯One powerful beast guards the griffins. It looks like it could easily snap griffins' necks in two. You uneasily scope the area. There definitely seems to be only one guard. It must be strong, indeed. Do you attack and try to free the griffins? ÂYou do not catch the beast off guard. It immediately springs to the defense of its flock. The lightning reaction startles you. It's as if it already knew you were here. It had just been waiting for you to make the first move. ÕSix immense, grotesque beasts guard over the griffins. They do not appear to be native to this region. You believe that they may be slaves just one or two levels higher than the griffins. Do you attack? —The griffins are guarded by a flock of demonic beasts. Perched overhead, the winged demons keep watchful guard over the griffins' slave labor. With shrill piercing screeches, the demons take wing and attack. KYou do not spot any guards. You move in quickly and set the griffins free. flThe griffins, nearly forty in number, are all dead. Six dead bodies of unidentifiable creatures lie close by. They must have been guards. A large horde of bone crabs infested the pumphouse and killed all the inhabitants. ”The griffins had no chance of surviving. Tied to the pumpwheel with their wings strapped down, they were unable to fight off the crabs. Do you want to attack the crabs and avenge the griffins' horrible deaths? A squad of trolls guards the griffins. You count ten of the brutes. A pair of large snake-like creatures are in command of the pumps. They have not seen you. Do you attack and set the griffins free? úBarrow trolls guard the griffins. You count over twenty of the brutes. One of the beasts appears to be a hells assassin. Do you launch a surprise attack? ¨You have accounted for all the griffins and gathered them together. It would be a good time to visit the rothian king. He will be elated to hear the news of your success. ¬You discover the gruesome, hacked remains of a goblin. Your eyes follow a trail of blood drippings to a nearby symbol outlined in the sand. Someone used the goblin's blood to draw a pentagram. –Six scimitars of unusual make have been carefully arranged. A scimitar has been placed across each point of the pentagram. Another lies in the middle. Their pommels consist of solid brass inlaid with gold. The blades have the look of polished obsidian. The entire pentagram radiates a soft, bluish glow. Do you take the scimitars? ‡You begin to remove the scimitars. The soft bluish glow rises from the pentagram. A smoky presence takes shape. It floats and wavers just above the ground. "I have long awaited for someone to release me from this burden. ÌFor many years, I have guarded these weapons. I had hoped a brave champion would eventually find them. Guard them well. The fate of the world now rests in your hands. These weapons are your only hope in defeating the black guardians. ŒFear not! In time, you will come to understand what is expected of you. I speak the words of truth. Do not relinquish possession of these weapons! It would seal your fate and that of the entire Realmz." >The figure slowly fades away until the bluish glow is no more. eYou approach the citadel's massive gate. An immense, brass knocker hangs on the door. Do you knock? ÚYou rap the brass knocker against the metal backplate. Amazing booms resound in response. Moments later, a viewport opens in the gate. The fetid smell forces you to step back. The large eye of some beast peers out. "What's the password?" È"Hmmm. Me thinks that is right." The viewport slams shut. The massive gate swings open on rusty hinges. You march past several guards and head directly towards the citadel. A peculiar smell permeates the air... Stale wine? Á"Hmmm. Me thinks that is right." The viewport slams shut. Seconds later, the massive gate swings open on rusty hinges. A large band of hostile beasts stand in your way. "On second thought, me thinks you are gravely mistaken!" éThe clamor of battle rouses a contingent of guards housed in the citadel. They come running out to repel the invaders of their master's home. ŒSeconds later, the massive gate swings open on rusty hinges. A large band of beasts guard the gate. The leader smacks his lips and leers maliciously. He intends to suck the marrow from your tender bones. îThe hemerood clutches a small bundle of papers. Each sheet repeatedly bears the same words: "kcor srekcap". Only the gods understand its meaning. ∂While wandering about the breeding pits you come up against a group of young winged demons. They are inexperienced, and you could easily evade them. Do you want to attack, instead? ˇA rampaging demon scoops up handfuls of winged demons and pops them into its mouth like candy. Occasionally, it howls in pain as one of its victims successfully inflicts a retaliating blow. However, these little incidents do not seem to slow its course.®The small winged demons are being gobbled down by the dozen. The beast is heading in your general direction. Do you engage this monstrous terror of the nether region? ûYou deposit the Deadstone of Suspicion in the keyhole you find on the side of the structure. There is a soft, humming sound as you step inside the structure. >A squad of barrow trolls feast on some unidentifiable carcass. ßAn animal cries out in pain. In response, your gaze abruptly shifts to the far end of the hallway. You glimpse a pair of horned wings disappearing through a doorway. èA pool of fresh blood stains the floor. Smeared, dark streaks veer off to the west. The murderer has dragged its victim to another location. ÆThe bloody trail continues across the floor towards a doorway. You look up. A demon stands in the doorway watching you. It flashes a sardonic grin and flees into the room. ÁThe demon stands at the far end of the room. It is not alone. Several other demons already occupy the area. The skeletal carcass of a great beast lies heaped in the corner. The demons stare at you with odd grins on their faces. ´You approach the demons. Their corporeal bodies flicker and disappear. The dead body of the beast begins to twitch and jerk. It struggles to pull up its immense bulk. HYou examine the beast closely. Its eye sockets actually contain stones. PA group of demons mill aimlessly about. Your entrance provokes them to attack. ´In the center of the room, a large pit radiates incredible heat. It spews forth fire and lava. Somehow, you are able to approach the pit without being burnt to a cinder. øIn the past, you have experienced dragon fire, magical fire, and even fire from the pit of Hades. The heat from this particular pit is beyond comparison. It must serve some special purpose. ∏Several full sacks have been placed near pit's edge. You open them to determine the contents. The sacks contain a variety of weaponry. A faint aura of magic radiates from each item. ËYou pitch one of the less powerful weapons into the flaming pit. The magical weapon is completely consumed by the intense heat. You didn't believe such a thing was possible. However, you just witnessed it with your very own eyes! YThe heat is so hot, it can actually melt magical items. This is an incredible discovery! ôYou toss your copy of the Necronomicon into the pit. Even this powerful item cannot withstand the pit's destructive force. The pages burst into flame. ¬Tormented screams accompany the destruction of each page. Moments later, the book is no more. With the destruction of the Necronomicon in both the Abyss and the Realmz, your quest is complete. ÏThe danger of the Realmz and the Abyss reuniting exists no longer. However, you must still make it back to the Realmz. The quest to Destroy the Necronomicon has been long and demanding. You hope the long journey home is less arduous. ÎYou begin a debate over the best route home. A telepathic communication from Thoth Amon interrupts you. "Friends, not in my wildest dreams did I dare hope for your success. You are responsible for the salvation of the entire Realmz. –Your destruction of the Necronomicon has set great events in motion throughout the Realmz. Numerous contacts have communicated to me telepathically. The evil bastions and their inhabitants no longer exist. ÛThe bastions and nether spawn have been consumed in hellish balls of fire. The Abyss will have to labor for many centuries to spawn enough nether beings to replace those they lost en masse this day. I'd hoped to aid you in your journey home. æUnfortunately, that is beyond my capabilities. I pray that you survive the long journey home. We shall eagerly await your arrival. May the blessings and praise of the Realmz be upon you." ›Shortly after Lord Hecubus's death, you receive an unexpected telepathic message from Thoth Amon. "Friends, it is good to know that you are still alive. Earlier, I engaged Lord Hecubus in an arduous psychic assault. ÁI thought that the psychological battle had permanently destroyed my abilities. This beast was very powerful. However, he had only been holding my powers in check. Now that Hecubus is dead, I can communicate with you once again. ‰Our salvation could be nearly at hand. While you have been pursuing the Necronomicon in the Abyss, others have found and destroyed the Necronomicon in the Realmz. Sadly, many lives were lost in the accomplishment of this task. ñIf you fail your quest, their lives have been lost in vain. I urge you to put forth greater effort. Even with the Destruction of the Necronomicon... –in the Realmz, the damnable bastions are still arriving. They continue to release deadly cargos of nether beasts that terrorize and devastate our land. Do not fail us! The Realmz must survive this horror." ÃLike a herd of stampeding vusk cows, heat blasts you directly in the face. A huge pit radiates this intense heat from the center of the room. Several bulky sacks have been set near the edge of the pit. ¶As you leave the flaming pit behind, someone in your group steps on a small stone in the floor. The pressure triggers open a secret passage just ahead on your right. ªAn amazing stash of magical items! No doubt they were slated for destruction in the pit. You could not possibly carry everything. You sort through the pile and pick a few choice items. √In the back of the room, a large force of demon spawn converse. They are accompanied by a hideous, skeletal creature. A dark figure orders the demons and their hideous companion to destroy you. ˙The hideous, skeletal creature is a demi lich. As you wipe the ichor from your blades, the creature stands up. Its dry bones rasp against its robe as it swiftly heads towards several coffin-like crates. It flashes you an evil grin. "Remember me? ƒWe have met before. Look closely upon my countenance! Reignite memories of a past, distant place. I once lived under the spell of a simple priest in a worthless little village known as Bywater. ‡This foolish man raised me from the dead to serve as a pawn in his silly little war against a spider cult. Whether you remember me or not doesn't really matter. In spite of time's passage, my memory of you still rankles." ŸYou stand prepared for battle. The lich throws back the lid of one coffin and rushes to the next. Shambling corpses rise from the opened crates. "Those that served me well in life have been brought to my new home. ™In life, they served their master like faithful dogs. In death, they are just as devoted. They exist for one passionate, single-minded purpose - to carry out my will." kYou rest your weary bodies and heave a long sigh of relief. These vanquished beings will now rest eternal. ëThe room is a disordered shambles. A few documents lay scattered over a small stone table. You struggle to interpret the writings and drawings. ÀThe documents dwell on a powerful, demon lord. Apparently, the demon plans to become the sole ruler of the Abyss. He has been carrying on a diligent campaign to destroy all existing magic in the Abyss. ÎThe lord controls an immense army of strong beasts. These beasts do not possess magical capabilities. However, if the lord's efforts to eliminate all magic on the plane succeed, his army could easily eliminate any and all opposition. ˚Demonic soldiers would immediately be sent out to conquer the entire region by force. Presently, they search far and wide to collect all existing magical items. A way has been discovered to destroy these items and prevent their use against his army. ·The demi lich had also been scheming. He had planned to earn the demon lord's trust, eliminate the demon, and rule over this region himself. Your interference subverted the lich's insidious plot for control and domination. !A large platoon of demons attack. õYou come upon several statues made of solid obsidian. Each statue possesses six arms and holds five obsidian swords. The sixth hand always remains empty. ÃYou are wondering why the sixth hand always lacks a sword, when your peripheral vision catches a flash of movement. The statues have been set to guard this passage, and they intend to perform their duty. ïShouts and laughter fill the air. Goblin children splash and play games in a nearby stream. The narrow stream meanders off behind a rocky mountain. ÛYou approach the village stockade. It contains several prison cells. Each cell bears one small window with thick, rusty bars. Most of the cells appear to be empty. A handful hold an assortment of haggard men, bellicose goblins and others. ΩOne prisoner stands out. The stocky, repulsive creature is demonic in origin. It cowers away from the light pouring in through the small, barred window. Dark welts cover it's thick hide. €A small goblin child advances towards the creature's window. The child holds up a small piece of polished metal and tilts it back and forth. The metal disk catches the rays of sunlight and reflects them into the cell. ÔThe light hits the demon. It begins to howl and shriek. Another thick welt appears on its hide. The goblin urchin smirks and continues to torture the imprisoned beast with the piece of metal. The beast frantically scampers to and fro. ∂Booming laughter nips at your heels as you flee the scene. "Fools! Run while you can! The great joining shall bring us together again." The gods of bravery punish your cowardice. ÌYou backhand the goblin child. The child gives a startled yelp and drops the metal disk to the ground. You scoop up the small disk. It has a glass center. Moments later, a pair of guards enter the cell and put the beast to the knife. „A group of nearby warriors witness the child's slaughter. Tempers rise. Even an obnoxious goblin child doesn't deserve such a harsh reaction. A well-armed party of local militia close in. They intend to teach you a lesson. ÇThe goblin child is furious at losing its little toy. However, the little cretin is powerless to do anything about the situation. ‡A large group of goblins, accompanied by several shaman, surround your group. You've messed with the wrong goblin. This child's father happens to be chief of a roaming tribe of goblin raiders. They plan to even the score. ãSeveral goblins refrained from attacking with the first group. The enraged chief stands among them. He vows to personally avenge his son. ˇYou address the beast in a language commonly used throughout the Abyss. Warily eyeing the threatening object within your grasp, it feels inspired to speak truthfully. You're surprised to learn that it's responsible for bringing the object to this regionÙThe object was used to read encoded messages from its master, a powerful demi lich. Originally from the City of Bywater, the lich now inhabits the Abyss. The beast hasn't had contact with his master for some time. It can reveal nothing more. ÍYou watch curiously. Several goblins approach. One huge goblin grabs the child by the arm, yanks away the shiny object, and stuffs the piece of metal into a belt pouch. Dragging the bawling child behind him, the goblin stomps off. ∞It's that time again, folks! If you want to play the rest of this scenario, you need to register. It's well worth the $12 registration fee. There's a lot more to see and do. ∫You step into the mirror. It feels as if you're moving at a lightning pace. In seconds, you leap out onto the ground. The mirror looks the same, but you're not where you were before. ùThe ground shakes underneath your feet. A small tremor traverses the entire area. You believe that the tremor originated from a mountain range to the west. µAn elder giant thanks you for your help in repelling the dragons. He asks you to sup with him this evening as a way of showing his appreciation. Do you accept his offer of dinner? ˇThat evening you revel and feast as the giants' honored guests. With jovial cheer, you stuff and drink yourselves silly. After several hours, you stumble off to rest roaring an old giant drinking song. Your bellies are as round as sendukian guav melons.ÚSomeone is shaking you. You stare groggily at a small human boy haloed by sunlight. "The queen wishes to thank you personally for your great deed. However, time is wasting and you must continue on with your mission." The boy scampers off. ˘The elder conceals disappointment at your decision and rests an immense hand on your shoulder. "It's sad that you must leave. However, I understand that your responsibilities are great. One cannot always stop to relish the triumphs along the way. ØI would prefer to honor you with a great feast of celebration. However, I will have to satisfy myself by making sure that you do not depart without some gifts of gratitude." ÓHuntoo's treasure chamber. You discover a secret, incredibly powerful weapon. The shocking discovery defies comprehension. The mere possession of this weapon suggests that Huntoo must have been more powerful than you had ever imagined. ØDisheveled clods of dirt surround a gaping cavity. It's as if a mighty tree has been wrenched from the earth, roots and all. Curiously, the uprooted tree is nowhere at hand. ÍJust to the east, burnt stumps cover a vast area of terrain. The ravaged, charred forms of several mighty willow trees stand forlorn. At one time, it was probably quite a majestic and inviting forest. Now it is dismal and lifeless. ·You stop a giant child as it runs by and ask what happened to the forest. "Oh! My mom told me that a long time ago, some careless elves set the forest on fire. The surviving trees struck back in revenge and killed them." ˆAfter the surviving trees killed the elves, they mysteriously disappeared." The child pauses and confides, "I think my mom made up that story so I wouldn't play with fire. She says only I can prevent forest fires." The child runs off to play. ‹The desolate surroundings lower your spirits. You ponder the child's story. Creaking noises interrupt your thoughts. Several willows are moving in your direction. Voices crowd your mind. "Have you taken her from us? ÔWhere is Swendiline? She cared for us. She never would have abandoned us willingly. We have waited years for her return." The trees urgently press in on you. They delve your mind for hidden secrets as they question you telepathically. ›The encroaching willows search for a dryad who once tended the forest. Right after the great fire, she disappeared. You sense growing rage and frustration when you fail to provide them with information about Swendiline. ìA four-way intersection is just up ahead. In the center of the intersection, an axe slowly twirls in mid-air. A soft, white glow envelops the axe. aA tremendous energy burst affects the entire area. Those who fail to Save vs. Magic take damage. FThe dust clears. The axe continues to twirl and hover just as before. …Your body has transformed to a gaseous state. In this state, you possess the ability to grasp and wield the axe. The transformation is only temporary. You quickly return to your original solid form. ÍYou maintain a firm grip on the weapon as you transform back to your solid state. Amazingly, the axe also transforms and acquires corporeal properties. It's now part of the Realmz as well. Great in size, it's unusually lightweight. DYou easily wield the weapon with one arm as a child would a feather. ÔYou find nothing else of interest. When you step outside the hut, several small reptilian creatures confront you. Normally, you wouldn't consider them a great threat. Unfortunately, they command a force of enormous, carnivorous lizards. ÜYou study the bastion's exterior and locate two small indentations. Two deadstones are required to gain entrance to the vile citadel. jYou insert the Deadstones of Loathing and Disgust into the indentations. The massive door creaks inward. You flee from the willows' grasping branches. A cacophony of cries crowd your mind. "Return Swendiline! You must return her! You must!" You clench your hands to your ears to drown out the voices. Distance is a more effective silencer. ÷Swendiline rushes over to the charred, burnt trees. The willows gather around her. She appears to be communicating with them telepathically. Tears stream down her face. The trees' branches tremble with emotion. €After this initial reunion, two large willows approach you. "Thank you for returning Swendiline. We were beginning to fear that this day might never come. Many times in the past, others have sought to enter our land. ˛Some brought axes and saws. They intended to use us for firewood and building. Some wanted to clear the land for farming. Most did not realize our strength until it was too late. We fought many successful battles and kept the invaders' possessions. òYou may have these items if you wish. We have no use for them." The willows guide you to a place where they have hidden the gear of previous invaders. Ë"Some objects are quite old. They belonged to the elves, the originators of all our sorrow." Over the years, the trees have accumulated massive plunder. It's an impressive history of battle accouterments. Many items are magical. ˝You seek out Swendiline. The willows are budding. Her rejuvenating magic has already begun to work its healing. She bids you farewell. She'll stay here and tend to her willows. The forest will again become the beautiful, lush place it was in the past. wAll attempts to obtain the axe fail. You trigger a strong magical ward. It had been set to discourage such attempts. ÓA magnificent, double-headed axe spins in a foggy void. It appears vaporous. Skulls have been carved near each blade. The shining haft has a ribbed grip that fits easily in your hand. The jeweled pommel sparkles and catches the light. ⁄A trio of cacodaemon warlords conduct military drills. Today's instruction concerns the fine art of wave attacks. The students, a large group of ezaks, will have an opportunity to put their training to immediate use. qWith the defeat of the warlords, the remaining ezaks scatter like roaches in search of dark's sheltering embrace. ÎYou eavesdrop on cacodaemon warlords debating over maps and battle plans. They plan to launch a grand scale assault targeting numerous small villages in the Realmz. If you assassinate the warlords, many innocent lives could be saved. MA great victory! Countless small villages will be spared the strife of war. \Loud clicking originates from an unknown source. A strong, sweet scent overpowers the room. ÚThe clicking draws you to a small hole in the floor. The sweet odor grows noticeably stronger as you lean down and peer into the hole. A busy colony of insects scurry about. They've built an immense hive in a cavern just below the bastion. ûAlthough it would take some effort, you could hack your way through the floor stones and eventually gain entrance to the hive. Do you want to enter the hive? ‡A gray cylinder juts out from one of the wax cells. The cylinder is smooth and waxy to the touch. However, the object is too solid and unmalleable to be made out of wax. It appears to be fashioned from some sort of metal. dBlurred figures are imprisoned inside the cells. The figures float in a thick, yellowish substance. ¨You dig a small hole in the wall of a wax cell. The yellow, viscous fluid oozes out. The cylinder sinks inward and encloses the figure. It kicks and squirms frantically. ‰Within minutes, the creature is dead. You cut open the waxy grave. A half-insect, half-reptile creature oozes out onto the ground. Its head and upper body resembles a mite or tick. Its lower extremity is long and snake-like. cYour intervention prevents these horrid creatures from reproducing and terrorizing the countryside. ]The thick, waxy material is highly flammable. The hive goes up in a blaze of fiery splendor. (Searing flames ravenously reach for you. ÔThe bodies of six dead orcs have been carelessly heaped in one corner of the room. Leather, scale armor, and crude weapons have been thrown in an opposing corner. The orc hunters must have fallen prey to this bastion's evil inhabitants. ≥You exit the secret passage. Your eyes water and blink as a swirl of dust hits your face. The stench of rotting flesh drifts from beneath a tarp-covered mound in the corner. „Trying not to inhale the foul stench, you force yourself to approach the tarp and remove it. You uncover the carcasses of several dead behemoths. Their bodies bear numerous ulcerous sores. Rivulets of puss dribble downwards. ñYour tampering causes one of the beasts' bellies to rupture. Foul gas blasts from its bloated gut. Hundreds of carrion maggots spatter all over you. ïThe carrion maggots dig into your succulent flesh. Horrified, you try to pull them off. Many have already buried themselves deep within your flesh. ÓThe magic begins to take effect. The great beast moves. As soon as it stands upright, hundreds of carrion maggots spill to the floor. The repulsive carcass reeks even more than before. It shambles towards the entrance. You follow it. ˜You follow the shambling corpse for several minutes as it plods along the corridors. The behemoth stops in the middle of a hallway and stubbornly bumps its head against the wall several times. You discover that the western wall is a clever fake. ËA runner from Queen Selene rushes up to you. Between gulps of air, the messenger belts out a message. "My lady,...Queen Selene,...wishes to praise you...for your heroic bravery...She wants to inform you...that the Necronomicon... ÒYou enter a stuffy lab. The place begs a good scrub. Everything is bathed in an eerie glow. The light source escapes you, but you do notice an odd absence of shadows. A large creature, half-insect and half-snake, works in the far corner. ÒThe creature conducts experiments on the corpse of a large animal similar to the behemoth. Several other immobilized beasts stand nearby. The creature appears oblivious to your presence. Do you rush and attack? OR Do you speak with it? ìTaking it by surprise, you slay the creature without any trouble. The beasts collapse to the floor like giant puppets whose strings have been cut. MYou search the room carefully and discover a few items of considerable worth. ¯The sound of your footsteps causes the creature to drop a glass tube and spin around. "What?... Who?" Greatly agitated by the unforeseen intrusion, its confusion swiftly shifts to fury. The creature orders the huge beasts to trample you to a pulp. ıThe creature downs a speed potion and quickly finishes the experiment on its most recent beast victim. Ordering the beast to come to its aid, the creature launches an attack. The wiry, wild, vicious fighting style is a challenge to counteract. £The putrid smell is unmistakable. It's just like the stink of the beast you recently animated. Even in death, the behemoth instinctively sought out its own kind. ±Dead ahead, half a dozen immense, tusked behemoths are encaged in a cell. Their huge tusks point outward as they mass together in a defensive formation. Do you enter the cell? qYour boldness provokes one of the creatures to attack. Blindly following its lead, the rest vigorously join in. oThe distinctive odor of the behemoths is overcome by a stronger smell of rotting flesh. The source is unclear. ·The creature and the undead beast assail you. "Fools! You may slay me, but it's already too late. My newest creation of insect men breed by the hundreds. Your precious Realmz will soon be overrun by my hideous creations." µAt the demise of the Necrowizard, the bastion's grip in the Realmz begins to weaken. The walls begin to appear shadow-like and transparent. You pass your hand right through one. uDeath and decay heavily permeate the air. It is the foul odor of the undead. They must be numerous in this bastion. ÈSkeletal knights stand in formation along the far wall. They steadfastly await the evil commands of their master. Earlier, they had been given a standing order: They are obligated to destroy all beings encountered from the Realmz. \This small room should be safe to rest in as long as you're willing to tolerate the stench. ’in the Realmz has been located. Thoth Amon has dispatched two full divisions of silver knights accompanied by a brigade of ogre lancers. At this hour, they swiftly march towards the Necronomicon's resting place. ÕThoth Amon urges you to push on to the Abyss. Locating and destroying the Necronomicon in that accursed region is absolutely essential. Even though the Necronomicon will soon be in Thoth Amon's hands,... œit must be found and destroyed in the Abyss as well. This must be accomplished to ensure the future safety of the Realmz." With his duty completed, the messenger rushes off in search of Venesa, his fiance. iTheir wedding date was set at the new moon, but he has had no word of her since the third coming of doom. ùThe fine temple is headed by a young, reputable priest. He welcomes you to partake in prayer. It is greatly needed during this time of stress and upheaval. õThe old farmer's field has long since been overgrown by weeds, vines, and creepers. A dark, gaping hole is incongruously situated near the field's center. ’You pass through Renthou Gap and enter the great valleys of the Whitecap Mountains. Large family farms are scattered throughout these valleys. They grow much of the produce that sustains the people of Westmore. œYou are nearly free of the bastion when a cackling voice echoes through the halls. "Do you think you can escape me so easily? I am the lord of the undead. You cannot destroy me here in your feeble Realmz. ïI live! I may be banished to the Abyss for one hundred years, but I shall still have retribution. My minions will avenge me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!... ÏDon't delude yourselves into thinking you've escaped my grasp. When you least expect it, you will die and we will meet again. Remember! I rule over the dead. Some day, I shall watch you writhe in pain on the spirit rack of torture." ÙLoud clicking noises come from the dead bodies. The pile quivers alarmingly. Two large insects burst out from beneath the carrion. As you prepare to battle the menacing creatures, a pair of green wispy figures suddenly appear out of nowhere. VThe wispy figures penetrated right through the back wall. Your foes rapidly close in. êFlesh fiends! Yellow drool drips from their sagging mouths. Open sores ooze greenish puss. The fiends shamble towards you with flapping feet. ÏYou abruptly become aware of the presence of shadows. The soft, green glow that bathed the room has altered. Three bright green points of light come into focus. They transform into wispy figures. You are confronted by three wraiths. ÙNo sooner have you extracted the deadstones, the hairs on your neck prick straight up. You whip around. Demons have surrounded you. They gaze down from above with cold, calculating eyes. One speaks, "Thief! You have stolen my property... xI shall suck the heat from your body and devour your soul!" The demons take wing. They press in on you from all sides. ıBehind you, there is an earsplitting pop closely followed by a blinding flash of light. An interdimensional gate opens and admits more hellions. You struggle to maintain your ground. The hellions' formidable numbers threaten to overwhelm you. hYou drop the Deadstone of Vengeance into the small keyhole. A black disk opens in the structure's side. iYou drop the Deadstones of Emptiness into the small keyhole. A black disk opens in the structure's side. }You drop the Deadstones of Loathing, Disgust, and Scorn into the small keyholes. A black disk opens in the structure's side. RA deadstone is suspended within a misty vortex. Who attempts to obtain the stone? ÔOnly the living may be drained of life. You make a clever choice by sending a nonliving member of your party. In a state of animation, the member mindlessly obeys your commands. The stone is retrieved from the vortex without difficulty. ‚Your life force is drained as you move closer to the vortex. You repeatedly lose consciousness each time you begin to get close enough to obtain the stone. Frustrated, your friends haul you back several times and revive you. QOne of the pitted demons carries a plain leather pouch. It contains a deadstone. ûYou enter a room full of fungus creatures. Your arrival sets off squeals of alarm. The fungus creatures serve as a common food staple for the pitted demons. ZBelieving that you plan to harvest them for the next meal, they rise to defend themselves. ∏The ground rumbles. Huge mounds of earth begin to accumulate beneath your feet. Seconds later, two dozen earth wyrmms erupt from below. They hungrily search for something to devour. ®A pack of vulg wolves attack a smaller pack of silverback wolves. Silverback wolves are usually very friendly to humans, elves, and dwarves. Do you wish to save them? ¯A squad of the queen's calvary gallops in hot pursuit of a group of stygian trolls. The trolls spot you and turn in your direction. You suspect that they've mistaken you for allies. Do you maintain your position and attack them when they arrive? ˙Sounds of combat and a string of curses draw you to an old wizard. He attempts to fend off several ruffians at once. A blinding flash erupts from the wizard's hands and strikes a ruffian down. There are too many for him to stave off. Do you help? »Much to your relief, the old man is still alive. "Thank you, my friends. I don't know how I can repay you. My bodyguards fled when we became outnumbered. They most likely believe that I am dead... «I shall report them, of course. The guild will come down harshly. They have broken an ancient code of honor. Please, help me stand." You help the old man to his feet. He quaffs a healing potion. Á"Ah! Much better. A few spots are still tender, but I'm alright now. I was traveling to a remote district of Westmoore city with the intention of retiring there. Apparently, even Westmoore is not free from this plague of evil. ƒI would rather live on the road than settle down in such a place. Would you care for some company? In times like this, you can never have too many friends." Do you allow him to join your party? ¸You investigate a column of smoke rising on the horizon and arrive at the site of a smoldering, merchant wagon train. The contents have been plundered. Bodies of dead caravan guards and merchants cover the ground. There are a few huge, blue corpses. íYou put out the last vestiges of fire by throwing dirt on the smoldering wood. Another column of smoke rises in the distance. Do you investigate? ÙYou rush to the area. A second caravan is presently under attack. The wagons have been arranged in a tight circle with their backs to one another. Huge blue ogres steadily close in on the trapped merchants. Spherical creatures hover nearby. `The spherical creatures direct the blue ogres' assault against the merchants. Do you intervene? πMerchants emerge from the wagons to thank you. "Good heroes! Thank you so much. We owe you our lives." The leader of the caravan removes a reinforced box from the back of his wagon. ‰His nimble fingers quickly disarm several traps and safeguards. With a proud flourish, he flings the chest open and pulls out a magnificent cloak. "Take it! It is my most prized possession. It's the only thing I own that... ¿is worthy of your bravery. You have saved the lives of my daughters and myself. As a merchant, my travels have been far and wide. I believe this majestic cloak is the only one of its kind." ”The sounds of soft humming lift your gaze upward. A small green light floats across the sky. After a few minutes, the original green light is joined by a second. Soon, dozens of wispy lights dance high above. ÔYou puzzle over what the lights represent. They appear to be growing larger. This proves to be an incorrect assessment. Actually, they're getting closer. In fact, they're moving quite rapidly. Horrid, slimy creatures target in on you. ±In the distance, a farm burns. You shake your head in sorrow for the area farmers. The bastions are generating great strife throughout the land. The ground begins to tremble. ØOn the horizon, a massive herd of cattle kicks up great clouds of dust. The herd draws closer. Alarmed, you realize that you're directly in the path of an oncoming stampede. ÎThe solid wall of beasts is only yards away. You now perceive what incites them to such a frenzy. Blue-skinned ogres drive them onwards. In an attempt to escape their tormentors, the cattle shall trample you without pause or regret. ¢You approach the farmstead. The ground begins to shake. Large, reptilian creatures burrow up from below and attempt to consume an entire herd of grazing cattle. ÖStricken by mad fear, the cattle bolt in multiple directions. Some head straight towards you. Hungry giant wyrmms are close behind. 7Perhaps, some time in the future. Good day, fine folk. ŸYou break camp. Today, you will enter Westmoore city. Many months of arduous travel have finally brought you to the city's gates. Several moons ago, you received a peculiar message urging you to come to Westmoore. ‘Your entire party was intrigued by the message's brevity and lack of explanation. The messenger pleaded total ignorance. It was from some anonymous inhabitant of Westmoore city. He could tell you nothing more. „Numerous merchants have set up shops outside the city's main gate. They hawk their wares with raucous, booming voices. One merchant sells a variety of items, including maps of the city. You purchase a map with a silver coin. ÏA small group of evil eyes browbeat several cowering ice ogres. Although you understand none of the words, the furious gestures and facial expressions signify their meaning. "Bret du per dariag! Hoy clatu sen SHIRAK sem dramrilowig!" µYou nearly break free from raking claws and gnashing fangs when an icy grip clamps down on you from behind and wrenches you about face. The demons refuse to tolerate your passage. ΔYou've been spotted. Aware of your prowess, the demons would prefer to avoid combat. However, the the wrath of their overlord engenders more fear in their minds than death in battle. They attack. flYou walk into a room filled with skulls, torsos, and limbs from a variety of beasts. Three gigantic, well-muscled demons are examining the skull of a large, horned demon. Your entrance brings an abrupt halt to their work. ¯"Mortals! Let's torture them for sport." The second demon refuses to let their work be interrupted by a diversion. "I think not. Britag! Slay these weaklings." With an obvious lack of enthusiasm for the task, Britag moves to obey his masters. ’"This is outrageous! No demon under my command dies unless I wish it," shouts the first demon. The second summons help. Although they perceive themselves to be quite powerful, they're unwilling to take chances. ˇThe demon referred to as Vilinus slaps his immense palms together. A bright flash engulfs the room. Temporarily blinded, you hastily rub the spots from your eyes. Several lesser demons appear out of nowhere. Before you can blink or react, they attack.ùA long forgotten, secret chamber. It will be easy to mask clues leading to the discovery. You could rest here undisturbed for an indefinite period of time. ∞Piles of bones, both human and demonic, have been arranged in a perfect circle around a misty, swirling vortex. Within the vortex, a deadstone hovers in a state of suspension. ØThe vortex drains the life force from any living being that dares to come in contact. You wrestle with possible methods of obtaining the stone from the misty, swirling vault. ¢The door bears a stone plaque etched with the following inscription: "Enter not, lest ye be devoid of life. Within this domain, the submissive puppet is master." ¯The room is bare. Your attention is drawn to the floor. Small, colored tiles have been used to create a panoramic mosaic. The mosaic begins to shift and change before your eyes. Flashing from scene to scene, it reenacts a battle from eons past. √The battle depicts two opposing armies. An army of undead vs. an army of light. The army of light consists of dwarves and ogres who have banded together. Their army numbers in the thousands. »Two skeletal figures lead the army of the undead. Each skeletal figure holds a raised deadstone. Rays of light shoot from the deadstones. The rays pierce the hearts of every dwarf and ogre soldier. ùThe rays of light suck the life force from its victims. The carnage mounts. The living succumb helplessly under the merciless onslaught of the undead army. „The undead almost completely crush the army of light. Suddenly, the battle takes a unique turn. Dwarven clerics cast magic spells to reanimate their fallen comrades. The army of light now includes numerous undead soldiers. ∞The rays of death from the deadstones pass through the reanimated dwarven and ogre soldiers with no effect. The undead ogres and dwarves begin to drive back the undead army. ˝The long, bloody battle finally ends with victory for the army of light. The mosaic restarts and portrays the arduous battle in its entirety, scene by scene. You're intrigued that the powerful deadstones have no effect on beings that are already dead. ¸A small boy dressed in a dirty leather jerkin hails you. Tightly grasping a scroll in one unwashed hand, he hands it to you and darts off. You open it and read, "You are hereby summoned to stand before Queen Selene." It includes a map to the castle. ÓYou prepare to exit the narrow, rocky crag. A giant patrol comes up behind you. One of the giants kneels by a fallen comrade and weeps. Sensing that the giants aren't evil, you waver indecisively. You approach the patrol with caution. ◊Two giants block your approach towards the grieving giant. They make no move to harm you. After a brief period of mourning, the giant stands. He speaks privately to one of his men and gestures towards your party. ÇI find your foul mouths to be loathsome and offensive! I have better things to do than speak or associate with such lowbrow scum! “The image fades as the hand withdraws the stone from the vortex. The hand distinctly lacks the healthy coloring and flexibility that one associates with the living. It could be the animated hand of a zombie. \A Doomsayer patrol discovers you. A monstrous Gorgons with a snake-like body is in command. œDead, dismembered bodies of frost giants and snow yeti lie scattered about the stone pyramid. Some of the bodies materialized partly inside the pyramid walls. Limbs, torsos, and heads jut out of the stone. ÏThe journey to the Realmz proved to be a disastrous one for these vermin. One arm, in particular, begs your attention as it juts from the pyramid's side. Unlike a giant's arm, it is covered in green scales and flaunts blood red nails. ÆYou recognize it as the arm of a demon. Its body materialized inside the solid stone of the pyramid. Just below the lifeless hand, a deadstone lies abandoned on the ground. ‡"Fools! I possess eternal life and cannot be destroyed. It is simply a matter of time before I find a body that will carry my spirit back into the Realmz. When that time comes, you will no longer be able to hide from me." √Frost giants and snow yeti are deep in the throes of an intense, passionate debate. The domineering giants continually point westward as they try to bully the yeti into carrying out some task. ªSomeone spots your group and gives a shout. The turbulent argument comes to an abrupt halt. Without hesitation, the yeti and giants join forces and launch an all-out attack against you. >Dank, stale air blasts from the dark maw of a southern tunnel. ∞You search the room and come upon a severed, bony finger. It must have been cut from the lich's hand during battle. The scrawny digit bears a ring fashioned from a deadstone. `Rothians guard the gate. They greet you, "Rotinom shall be waiting upon your return, friends!" WA pair of evil eyes instruct a massive force of hells' assassins on the art of warfare. „You enter a gloomy, drab room that wreaks of vomit and death. Rough gravel covers the floor. A sickly race of creatures, half woman and half tiger, has been chained to the walls. A bundle of spears is set just out of reach. ¯Ulcerous wounds mark their bodies. One of the creatures begs you to help them. "Please, free us! We were captured and imprisoned here long ago. The foul beasts have been torturing and feeding on us. If you leave us here, we are doomed to die." ŒYour conversation with the creatures assures you that they are not evil in nature. After you set them free, they quickly take up their spears. "There's no time to lose. We must attempt an escape, now!... áThey enjoy torturing us at every opportunity. They've been gone for quite a while, and they could return at..." The door bursts open. ˜Blood, flesh, bones, and hide strew the floor. Bloody tiger paws and limbs dangle from wall chains. The smell of tortured death permeates the air. Apparently, tigers were chained to these walls, and their limbs and bodies were ripped asunder. ˆThe tigtaurs' leader experiences excruciating pain from a broken back. She motions for you to approach. "Friends, the thought of never seeing my home again saddens me greatly. At least, I'll no longer be forced to submit to grueling torture... flPlease, take my spear. It is a noble weapon. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to die with dignity. I am content to have died in battle with weapon in paw." She closes her eyes and heaves a trembling, last breath. NSeveral paw prints have left impressions in the ground near the southern wall. bA rush of wind sails up from below. The pit must contain a hole that allows air to enter or exit. åNow might be a good time to invoke the power of the blue gem. Thoth Amon advised you to use it as soon as you had located the Necronomicon. ÏYou invoke the gem's magic. A blue, misty cloud pours out of a small crack in the gem's surface. The swirling mist transforms into a translucent image of Thoth Amon. "Tell me you have succeeded! Have you procured the accursed tome?" ÚYou provide Thoth with a full account of your discovery. "Excellent! In truth, I had little hope that you would be able to survive all your travails and actually use the gem. Praise the makers! I'm overjoyed that you conquered the odds... ¡I know you must be anxious to begin your journey home. However, there is one more thing you must accomplish. The copy of the Necronomicon you possess cannot be transported back to the Realmz. ¯It must be destroyed. Strong magical wards protect it from being destroyed by normal means. Unfortunately, I am not sure how the task can be accomplished. You must find a place within the Abyss that is capable of destroying this powerful tome. ËThis goal must be achieved to secure future stability. Find the location where you can destroy the Necronomicon. The magic of this gem is short-lived, and I am forced to be brief. Take courage. Do not waver from your mission!... „The fate of your souls and that of countless others rests in your hands. May Arataagarbal watch over you." The mist disperses into smoky, fingerlike wisps. You discover that the gem has disintegrated into a worthless powder. ßYou are surprised by a band of viperions guarding the chamber. A raspy, reptilian voice screams, "Slay them, or Zeldoz shall flay your souls with the whip of flames!" ^A guard looks at you expectantly. You feel that he is waiting for you to do or say something. }A series of stones leads towards an island in the middle of the lake. They were deliberately arranged to serve as a walkway. UTigtaurs are engaged in fierce combat against hell's assassins. Do you get involved? ÔA massive, iron gate is heavily guarded by numerous tigtaurs. They are willing to talk with you briefly, but they refuse to let you enter. "We have strict orders. No creature is allowed inside. There are no exceptions." Do you attack? ˝Determined to force your way in, you draw your weapons. The tigtaurs' head guard hails you in a commanding voice, "Stand fast! Due to your earnestness, I will grant your request for entry, but be warned. We will brook no violence against our people." ˚You head towards a lone building. A small graveyard can be seen in the distance. Much of the available land is taken up by a vast orchard. Huge evergreens tower over fields of mushrooms. Over the orchard, a luminous orb glows as bright as the sun. °The orb's magic sustains the evergreens. Tigtaurs are steadily at work harvesting mushrooms. Other tigtaurs collect seed cones that have fallen from the trees. ÷You are escorted within the lone modest building and introduced to the small community's leader, Evelyn Crisscore. The tigtaur offers you refreshment. Because there are no seats of any kind, you sit on the floor. ‰"Welcome! Peace be with you. If you like, you may supplement your provisions. We have plenty of mushroom steaks. You may take as many as you can carry." Do you wish to relate the tale of your long journey to Lady Crisscore? ÚRemarkable! For eons, we have struggled to survive. Evil races have periodically forced us to move. Several times they took possession of our land. Now, we defend and cultivate a small area. It's a bare fraction of our previous holdings. ŒWe have managed to retain only a few remnants of our past. The few trees outside are all that is left. It's our hope to grow enough seeds to begin a great forest. Sadly, this dream may never come true. yUntil we find a way to create more sun globes, we will never have enough light to support the growth of an entire forest. ˇFailure in your mission would bode well for us. Eternal chaos is better than the hell we now endure. However, I know that many are suffering. It's our duty to help those in need whether we benefit personally or not. To commit evil is against our nature.ÏTwo of my bravest warriors shall travel with you. They are skilled in the arts of warfare and will serve you well." Evelyn summons the two to her side. The first warrior is large and powerful. The second appears to be a spellcaster. †"It would be dishonest for me to wish you success in your mission. Deep down, I pray for your failure. Please, go. This is a matter for the gods to decide." ÎThe talk with Evelyn draws to a close. You're just about to take leave when she stops you with an intriguing proposal. "Perhaps, you would be willing to make a trade. I'm sure you're well aware that resources are scarce in the Abyss. ˇOur sun globe is a glorious work of magic. Some three hundred fifty years ago, a crimson giant enchanter presented it to us as a gift. We've tried to create cheaper imitations. These ultimately failed. As it stands, our one globe exacts a heavy price.„The globe's magic is maintained by fuel in the form of precious gems. The search to replenish our supply of gems is ongoing and continuous. Perhaps, you would be willing to trade some for a magical horn." Are you interested? ì"Wonderful! I'm willing to part with my Horn of Summoning for one thousand gems. It's worth much more, but our need is desperate." Do you trade? ˙"The Horn of Summoning has saved my life on several occasions. When you're outnumbered, it can summon fodder to engage your enemies while you escape. Excuse me, I must personally see that these gems are stored safely. May the gods smile upon you." ÕHaving been informed of your impending arrival, Queen Selene has set up court on the castle grounds. The entire royal court is present, including Thoth Amon. Trumpets blare triumphantly at your approach. „Crowds of people push and shove attempting to catch a glimpse of the returning heroes. All about you is chaos. Even Queen Selene suffers a few wrinkles in her fine, silk dress. Ranks of guardsmen flank to her right and left. €Weapons are raised aloft in salute. You have accomplished what vast armies could not. Children shower you with flower petals as you kneel before the queen. She places an ivory skin hand upon your shoulder. You rise. ˜Shouts of praise flood your ears. The queen waits patiently for an opportunity to speak. The gathered masses gradually subside. "Fine people of Westmoore and the great nation of Clandestia. Behold, are saviors!" The crowd erupts with cheer... ¸"I declare this day to be an official annual holiday to be celebrated and remembered. Today, we honor these heroes for their bravery and persistence. They have not only saved our lives, they've saved the lives of every creature throughout the Realmz! •"No amount of gems or jewels could ever reward the valor and courage our new found heroes have shown us. We owe them a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid... fTomorrow, our heroes will be sworn in as members of the ruling council." The crowd roars in approval. ±As the queen showers you with praise, a dark shadow passes over the cheering crowd. At first glance, it appears that a flock of birds is flying overhead. The shadow elongates. The crowd's vibrance dissolves into uneasy murmurings. They gaze upwards at the source of the growing darkness. Like angry hornets, flights of dragons loom overhead. Several squadrons form an enraged knot and dive straight at the court. ˜Before anyone can react, blistering flames erupt from the dragons' toothy maws. You watch in horrified disbelief as a third of the court is engulfed in flames. The crowd panics. People scream and trample over one another in an effort to escape. ÚMoments ago, parents huddled and pulled their children close. Now, only charred masses remain. Bolts of lightning and sizzling balls of flame skyrocket upwards. A second oncoming flight of dragons is hit with tremendous, retaliatory force. ˝Not far from the queen, Thoth Amon stands with arms outstretched. His hands sizzle with voltages of light. Volley after volley of lethal magic bolts skyward. Additional spellcasters and clergy rush from their temples to combat the oncoming dragons. ‚You dodge through the chaos, reach your gear, and hastily suit up for battle. A rider upon the back of a huge dragon captures your attention. Precious seconds pass before you fully recognize the figure atop the winged beast. ÕIt is Morbius. You lock gazes with the damnable demi lich. A bloodcurdling screech expels from his bony jaws. "Fools! We meet yet again. Only now it is I, Morbius, who comes calling upon the sleeping. rPrepare to die, foul mortals! In death, my power over you shall rise tenfold. Your suffering will be boundless!" ŸWith a thunderous blast, lightning strikes the wing of Morbius's mount. The dragon shrieks piercingly as its wing shatters apart. Bone fragments and blood fleck the sky. Morbius and his mount plummet to the ground. ÀThe dragon's body is savagely crushed on impact. A grisly figure covered in blood and ichor emerges from the gory remains. Morbius stalks in your direction. He has survived the fall without a scratch. ÚThe shock of Morbius's bloodstained figure emerging from the dragon's crushed carcass leaves you stunned. Morbius aims a bony finger directly at Queen Selene. Although you're not close enough to hear, you sense that he speaks words of doom. ∑A young acolyte dives before the queen to bear the full brunt of Morbius's death spell. The life force quickly drains from his body. Pale and bloodless, he crumples to the ground. ¯Before you can engage Morbius, he rapidly chants a second spell. Queen Selene looks at you with a last, imploring gaze as the life force is ruthlessly wrenched from her body. She collapses upon the young acolyte. Her sightless eyes stare upward. ıConsumed by primal rage, you race towards Morbius. You will exterminate this depraved creature, once and for all. Seconds later, your advance is thwarted by a battle line of fire drakes. Shaking with fury, you curse a vicious stream of oaths. flAfter successfully slaying the drakes, you search the chaos for Morbius himself. Smaller battles rage about you. The city writhes in flames. Temple clerics use their holy magic to struggle valiantly against the drakes. ˇShell-shocked over Queen Selene's sudden death, Thoth Amon joins you. Love for the queen lines his face. Looking haggard and ill, he struggles to focus on the matter at hand. Two proteges accompany him. Together, you'll fight the mother of all battles.ÀYou descend upon Morbius. Drakes press in on your flanks. You must shift to a defensive position in order to fend off the infernal foes. Morbius takes advantage of the entanglement and casts a spell. ÎThe lich clones himself. There are now four in all. Only one is the true Morbius, and it is he that must be destroyed. Unfortunately, each lich possesses all the deadly powers of the original, and you have no idea which one is real. Your peripheral vision perceives a door closing in the far corner. You dart your gaze in that direction and scrutinize the area suspiciously. Was it just your imagination? It looks like a solid wall. ‘You stand upon the remains of Morbius's skeletal body and zestfully grind it to dust. A sibilant voice creeps in your ear, "Mortals, you may destroy this material shell. It matters not. This hasn't ended yet. ±I have pursued you from the depths of the Abyss. My spirit may be imprisoned or cast into another state of existence. Be assured that, eventually, I will return to haunt you." ÛWith Morbius vanquished, you rush to Thoth Amon's side. He is badly wounded. You desperately scan the area for help. Few clerics lived through the battle. Most have been drained of power. You offer Thoth a healing potion. He refuses it. Ÿ"I have no wish to be healed. I shall join Selene in death. Her duties as queen kept us apart, but in the nether world no such restrictions exist. I have lived a long and full life. The choice is mine to end it." ”Thoth Amon's head awkwardly lolls against the bloodstained grass. Several prominent townsfolk roughly push you aside to tend to his body. "You brought this upon us! Thanks to you, half the city lies in ruin!" ˛You attempt to approach the queen's dead body. A few people recognize you. The grieving crowd tightly closes in around Selene. Anger ripples through the multitude. An old man in fine robes cries, "Begone! I swear, by the gods, I'll kill you myself!" ÒAs a traveler, you have witnessed your share of riots. With growing alarm, you sense dangerous emotions. Electrifying tension flows through the crowd and intensifies. Fearful of the citizens' wrath, you head straight for the city's gates. ˚A woman frustrates your attempt to exit the city quickly. "Forgive them. The people are angry and upset. They want to take out their hurt on someone. The man in the silk robes who denounced you is Remdigis, the eldest member of the ruling council. ˇHe truly doesn't believe you're responsible for the queen's death any more than I do. You are simply the pawn in a political power struggle. With the queen's death, feuding is inevitable. Many will seek to gain control. The victor shall rule this land.˝As the eldest member of the ruling council, Remdigis has strong support. He will likely rule. When the queen announced you as new members of the council, he felt threatened. He's deliberately turned the masses against you to force you out of the way. ˝I'm sorry that his ploy succeeded." You leave the city and search for a safe place to rest. That night you toss and turn restlessly. Over and over, you relive the tragic deaths of Selene and Thoth and feel betrayed when the citizens turn against you. ¯You sit up anxiously and stare into the fire. The warmth is comforting. A true hero does not seek fame or glory. Although it hurts deeply that the citizens turned their backs on you, you know in your heart that you worked hard and achieved much. ˜You sit quietly about the campfire halfheartedly gnawing on tasteless leftovers. The small glade, deep within the forest, is oddly quiet. Suddenly, the fire's flames leap skyward. The images of Queen Selene and Thoth Amon shimmer in the flames. ƒThe diaphanous figures embrace one another as lovers. The queen's translucent image speaks, "My friends, do not grieve over our passing. In the midst of death, we have discovered true happiness. ÙWe have longed for the day when we could be together. The peoples' reaction is based on sad ignorance. Perhaps, it's for the best. As great adventurers, you would grow weary of sitting council and tending to the day-to-day needs of a nation. ˇWestmoore must be rebuilt to its former stature. It will require work and planning. You would weary of this task. A need for adventure precludes your staying and settling down. We wish you the best but can offer you little in the form of material goods.ˇHowever, we can give you something to help you survive your travels." The two figures enfold you in a wispy embrace. After a slight nautious sensation, a surge of energy jolts through your bodies. You're sharply aware of an influx of amazing new powers.ÙThe two figures smile and fade into the flames. Your spirit rises. There are other things to do besides being a city administrator. There are many places in the Realmz you have yet to see. If only you could live long enough to see them all! éCongratulations! You have saved the Realmz from yet another great evil. Thanks for supporting Fantasoft and helping us create quality games. ïThough you have accomplished the main task for this scenario, feel free to wander about. You never know what you might find just around the bend. \Destroy the Necronomicon is Copyright© 1995 by Tim Phillips. All rights reserved worldwide. ÍA bare room. The dusty floor betrays several footprints. They appear alike, although some are more faded than others. Someone has entered this room on several different occasions. Why would one return several times to a bare room? «You're examining the plain leather helm when a blinding flash of lightning strikes. Waving a wand wildly through the air, a crazed old man charges directly at you. Foam cascades from his open jaws. ıHe levels the wand in your direction, but nothing happens. Screaming shrilly, he snaps the wand and continues charging. An army of rabid rats follows at his heels. He and his army shall annihilate the thieves stealing his worldly possessions. In the distance, additional rats squeak. The echoes reverberate off the cave walls. You should leave the area. The blood and carnage draws more vermin. They intend to feast on their fallen brothers. ÔThe leg joints have borne extensive damage. It's one of the known signs of animation through the use of clerical magic. The difficulties of animating and controlling creatures of this size have caused the bodies to become quite battered. “The beast peels open the dwarf's stomach like a ripe grape and plucks out a small, ivory-colored stone. The dwarf had deliberately swallowed it. His attempt to keep the stone safe ended in horrific tragedy. ]A low rumble ripples through the ground. It appears to originate from the distant northwest. ÇYou drop the Deadstones of Malevolence, Scorn, and Repulsion into the small keyholes. A black disk opens in the structure's side. ∏The body of the dead Hemerood is all you see. You stand at a door that leads to the Abyss. The strange necklace still hangs from the Hemerood's neck. All attempts to remove it fail. ëIt's that time again, folks. Because of the outrageous number of software pirates, you need to reenter your registration name for this scenario. 1Sorry, for having to ask twice. Please continue. ¨Opal is thrilled. "The word 'Vistock' must be what is used to activate the portal back to the Realmz. Let us make haste! I must inform the queen of this glorious news." ˇYou inform the queen of the necessary command word to activate the portal back to the Realmz. With tears in her eyes, she stands. "Friends, you have no idea what this means to us. In all my years, I never thought we would actually return to the Realmz.÷Now, it looks as if my dream may actually come true. We will set forth for the portal as soon as possible. There is no telling how the creatures of that hellhole will react if they become aware of our intentions. ÙThey could destroy the portal just to spite us. We will leave in short order. However, I am disturbed about the prospect of leaving behind our source of power. If it fell into the hands of a demonic overlord, the results could be disastrous. ãThough it is a powerful item, it can only be used in the Abyss. Perhaps, it could aid you in your quest." The queen hands you a huge gem. €"This gem is the source of our power. It is what enables us to replicate. To activate it, you must infuse it with smaller gems. Like a carnivorous beast, it feeds on smaller gems as a predatory wolf feeds on rabbits. ªIf you feed it gems, it will emit a huge amount of raw, magical energy. Perhaps, you could use such a device." The queen excuses herself to prepare for the return journey to the Realmz. ËSuddenly, she stops speaking and stares about the room. Her gaze locks upon one of your satchels. You do not attempt to stop her when she approaches and opens your satchel. Her eyes widen in awe. You withdraw the Sun Seeker Gem. ÷"That item was used to create our Sun Stone. With this wondrous object, we could create as many as we need. I must have that gem. I would be willing to trade my most prized possessions in return." Do you trade? ˚"This object alone could provide us with everything we need. It is vital to our future, yet it holds little meaning for you. I'm sorry that you refuse to consider a fair trade." Determined to obtain the gem by force, the tigtaurs converge upon you. uHaving slain those around you, you prepare to flee. There is little time before more tigtaurs arrive to investigate. rThe queen listens as you relate your failure to obtain the word of activation for the portal. She is not pleased. jThe Sun Seeker Gem grows hungry. You feed the devilish device ten gems in an effort to sate its appetite. ˆThe voracious Sun Seeker Gem demands at least ten gems to sate its appetite. Alas, you've run out! You watch in growing alarm as it begins to pulsate violently. Like an overheated Sanduskian grease gourd, it explodes into a thousand fragments. ‡You approach a small underground village. The stone huts are of superior quality. The style bears a slight resemblance to goblin design. However, they're unusually well-crafted. At first, you see no signs of inhabitants. ˜Suddenly, Shalutie lets out a howl. "Shi yi yi! My kith are yonder!" Shalutie bolts towards a distant group of goblins. He rushes into the arms of an old, withered shaman. As you hurry to catch up, several goblins defensively raise their bows. ÒShalutie quickly explains that you are his friends. You gather around the old shaman. Long ago, he survived that fateful day of slaughter carried out by the dwarven clan. He managed to escape by transforming himself into a vaporous cloud. ÓIn spite of years of grueling hardship and struggle, the shaman was able to reconstruct a new village far from the original home. Shalutie and the shaman proceed to spend several hours together reminiscing and sharing their old memories. ò"My friends, my search for intelligent goblins has come to an end. I must bid you farewell. I will attempt to rebuild my life alongside my old friend. gPlease, accept this humble gift. I hope that it will remind you of the good times we shared together." ·Shalutie is just about to hand you his axe when the shaman intervenes. "Wait! I have a more fitting gift." The shaman calls forth a huge goblin warrior from the gathered crowd. "Gremwel, give Shalutie's friends my sword." ÎSore to part with the gleaming weapon, the huge warrior does as he is bidden. The old, feeble shaman must be extremely powerful and highly respected. You marvel as the well-built warrior hands you the sword without a word of protest. ˝Reluctant to part from your friend, you converse for several more hours. You hope that Shalutie's tribe will prosper and grow. Perhaps, this intelligent strain of goblins will be able to shake off the stigma many races hold towards goblins in general. y"Take this weapon. It is a powerful ally. It may only be wielded by goblins and their close kin - hobgoblins and orcs." ØThe smell of rotting flesh is much too strong for it to be coming from the slain behemoths. There must be another source of the stench coming from somewhere within this room. ùOne would think that the massive worm could be killed by normal means. However, the mangled body splits into several smaller pieces and continues to attack. QSeveral giants rush from the village to join in on the fight against the dragons. 6The dead Gorgons turns to stone, trapping your weapon. àPortions of the earth elemental skitter about and attract one another. Smaller versions of the original creature quickly begin to form. êThe putrid guts of the necro mummy spill onto the ground. Thousands of vile, buzzing insects had been feeding on the horrid creature's innards. JThe mind slayer releases a deadly mind bomb as a last attempt to slay you. 4Several more worker bees fly in to engage the wasps. ›You brush up against the coffin and accidentally press a secret panel. The coffin slides open to reveal a skeletal figure inside. The former king now rests inside the chamber with a powerful weapon grasped in his hands. êYou could take the weapon if you like or you could close the coffin and pretend that your desecration never took place. Do you take the weapon? ÒAs you attempt to hide the weapon amid your belongings, a temple guard spots you from the doorway. "Thieves! There are thieves in the temple!" Within seconds, the doorway is jammed with temple guards. Curses of death fly from their lips. ãYou try and catch your breath. More warriors flow down the hall. It appears that the entire garrison is closing in on you in mad pursuit. ◊As bees swarm to protect their queen, the warriors attack without mercy. Stealing the sword is a sacrilege without equal. Spurred on by the death of their fallen comrades, they renew their attack with a vengeance. ƒA pool of blood writhes around your ankles. At last, you may rest. The back of the stalwart defenders of the temple has been broken. You pray that word of your actions will not reach the queen. ∑Your luck is poor this day. Knowledge of your desecration of the king's tomb reaches the queen. A posse is formed to track you down. The punishment for your crime will be death. ˘Thoth Amon and his underlings are ordered to lead the search. Unfortunately, they find you easily. The queen looks on with approval as Thoth proclaims, "By order of the queen, your lives shall now be forfeited for the atrocities you've committed." îLet it be known that the queen has commanded death to those who have committed these crimes. By my own hand, this punishment shall be carried out." wWith the first units of the posse slain, Thoth Amon removes his cape. "It saddens me to draw blood myself. So be it." ±Upon Thoth Amon's death, the queen commands the townsfolk to rise up and crush you. Hundreds of peasants, merchants, and traders press in on you. You flee for your very lives. ™You run from the pursuing mob and manage to hide in a dense, dark forest just northeast of town. Your hopes of saving the Realmz are dashed. Dark times are upon us all. ‘Perhaps, if you carried out your original mission and saved the Realmz, the queen would be willing to pardon your sins. The only way to know is to try and right your wrongs by saving the Realmz from destruction. nA large mob forces you to flee. Unable to redeem yourselves, remaining in the city would mean certain death. áIn the distance you see a green tinted sparkle. A heavily armed and armored traveler is standing under a shade tree. Do you approach? ’As you approach you see a magnificent green knight. Before you can send greetings he speaks, "You there. I hearby claim right to all your worldly possessions. Drop your things and leave or be put to the blade!" 9Do you fight this foe rather than give in to his demands? √For such a loaded down man, he springs at you with the quickness of a devil cat. Before you can draw steel he is already upon you. As he engages you, four green vaprous clouds form around you. QThe green knight shouts, "Ha! My friends and I shall finish you shortly enough." ]"Cowards, I do not accept your yellow bellied ways. You shall have to fight me in any case." QThrown back the the attack you will have to brave them again before you can pass.